Comment and I will give you 3 interests on your list, and 3 icons, for you to explain.
sunshine_queen" asked:
This one is probably obvious to about half my flist. The half that doesn't know the Gundam Wing fandom, on the other hand, is probably most confused. Most of the male characters (and some of the females) have a name that corresponds to a number. Two is my favourite character, Duo. H is Hilde, a woman he spends several episodes with and appears to be living with at one point. I think they would be cute together. This is a very lonely pairing to ship, incidently, because the fandom is rather dominated by 1x2. I don't particularly like Heero. It kinda sucks to be a Duo fan when you just don't feel 1x2. :p
Ewoks eating timbits
Well, I like Ewoks. I like Timbits. (Donut holes from Tim Hortons :p) This phrase actually originated as the silly option on a poll by AT_ST_DRIVER in Atlantic Canada General over at the JC. Back when the JC was cool and ACG was a blast. :p
Marion Zimmer Bradley
I'd honestly forgotten I still had her listed as an interest. :p I used to be a big Darkover fan when I was younger. I tried to read The Mists of Avalon this year though, and I came to the conclusion that I probably would have enjoyed it in high school, but now all I could notice was that she was trying too hard to Make Her Point. (Though Vicki tells me the book does get better when they actually get into the Arthurian myth instead of the setup)
This is one of my family's cats. His name is Wes, because he was the little troublemaker who was always trying to get out of the basket when he was a kitten. He likes to live up to his name, hence "Delicious chaos". :p
Oh, Han/Leia, how I love you so. The text is from "The More You Ruv Someone" from Avenue Q, which is totally Han and Leia's song. It opens with "The more you love someone, the more you want to kill them." The verse the text actually comes from is "And when you find someone you wanting most to kill him. You go and find him. ANd you get him. And you no kill him. 'Cause chance is good he is your love."
obaona made this for me in one of those memes where they make an icon based on your interests. The phrase "procrastinatable" is, like many things, a joke between me and Tess. Tess was offering to send me some sort of shiny thing when I was busy with school, and I said "Ooh! More procrastinatables!" Procrastinatables are thus any shiny thing used to procrastinate because they're more fun. :p