Jan 11, 2007 11:51
Brr, cold. DEFINITELY should have been wearing my winter coat this morning. Who went and made it WINTER? :p I think Elphie was the only one of us who was warm on the walk this morning. But she was going to the vet, so she doesn't exactly get happy times either. :p
I've been binning my custom hair for the Sims and developing a hierarchy of hate for custom hair makers. I dislike people who don't assign their hair to the colour bins, leaving me to do it myself (and if I can do it, it's not that hard), but not nearly as much as people who start their filenames with random gibberish so the recolors don't all end up next to each other in the folder. But my hatred for them pales in comparison to my hatred for people who DON'T PUT THE COLOUR IN THE FILENAME. :p
Also, for the record? Purple is not red. ANd red hair is not usually FIRETRUCK ride. :p Oh, and wavy != curly. :p Wavy hair may have a habit of waking up in the morning and deciding it wants to be curly today, but that doesn't mean they're the same thing. :p
Poor Sunny has started watching Firefly and suddenly understands all the hate for Tess. :p