Kitten! Vicki's kitten, Elphaba, got here today. She is the cutest little ball of grey fluff! Also, it's really hard to use a digital camera that doesn't have a working LCD screen. It took like five tries to get the memory card formatted so we could actually have kitten pictures. Which will be posted eventually, or you can just look on Vicki's journal. :p
I played Firefly Sims today. Sim Saffron has broken up with Sim Durran because she cheated on him with Sim Heinrich. ANd now Heinrich is dead. After leaving Bollerephon, they moved to the aptly named "Random Place to Kill Heinrich" which had a living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and BURNING ROOM. Heinrich burned to death while Saffron practiced romance. :p And then she cried softly, didn't plead with the reaper and went to change into her "Going to marry a millionaire" outfit, because I promised my sister River could have a millionaire and then I decided he would be one of Saffron's exes. :p
I got called Samantha for the sixth Japanese class in a row today. :p
I started reading Bloodlines today. I'm forty pages in and I've already wanted to throw the book at the wall twice. Once because of Jacen and once because, well, I don't like Boba Fett. :p
inthatcantina is so much awesome crack. Even if it's kinda weird playing an Ewok during ANH. ;p