Jul 05, 2005 00:08
in case you were wondering, my name is julia.
anthony will always be there for me. im glad i met him.
in case you were wondering, i breathe the same air as you.
this year i got asked to prom. then got dumped. i still have my dress.
in case you were wondering, i breathe the same air as you.
cody is coming down to visit for a week. im really happy about that.
in case you were wondering, my name is julia.
i have a secret. only two people know. three really, if you count him. the guy who did it. four if you count me, the pained.
ive been thinking aobut this thing alot lately. this thing from my past. terrible past. no, not terrible past, just terrible thing. very terrible.
i miss mark and ryan. alot. i really do. i cry, still. this time last year we would have been together. on the phone, or at my house, or anywhere.
mark and i had a road trip to bridgewater. his aunt hugged me. she told me that mark was lucky to have me. i told her he didnt have me. and then asked her about her cats. mark loves cats.
bridgewater was fun. the picnic at the park. and the trip to oak islad we took. steeling the wonman's clothes from her clothseline. being happy.
ryan saw me naked. so did mark. they showered with me. and then hada sword fight with their 'swords' as i watched in the mirror straightening my hair. weird. ryan williams. i miss you. you treated me like shit though. you both did. mark left me for audrey. ryan followed suit. bye boys. for prom i bought them flowers. they huggged me when i gave it to them. then i went to markss and hada turkey dinner with his mom. while he showered, i left.
life sucks.
tonight was good though. fireworks. we were on a high cliff. i ooked down and thought of what my body would look like lieing on the shore the long ways below. decapitated. then i laughed, and asked for a joint. who am i.
you dont know.
anthony knows.
anthony cares.
incase you were wondering.
i didnt smoke it. just passed it on to the rest of the circle. then went to maine. with the boys. maine.
in case you were wondering,
i dont care if you dont follow what i wrote. its what i was thinking.
where is anthony. where is nathan. i miss nathan. we fell asleep together the other night. it was weird. hes so big, and im so not, and we were just sleeping. how do people sleep with so many diffferences around them.
no, you know what i was wondering. how do peple sleep with people when they dont know them. i fucked you, and what was your name? light me a smoke. i dont understand why people sleep together unless its for procreating. what am i saying. i sleep with people. im a disgusting piece of shit. pass the smoke.
and i was also wondering, why did renee want to celebrate her 8 month so bad? work is work, its how he buys her shit. never called me to see what i was doing, i coulda been bored too.
i want anthony. right now. he used to like me. like a girl friend. i think. we went to a prty the other night. itwas funny. then he broke my leg. not on purpose though. its okay, physio starts in a week or so. youre so easy to talk to, anthony. i know that when i tel you stuff you care. its like what im telling you, is yours too. maybe i should tell you my terrible secret from the past. wonder how youd take it? one person got scared, the other one told me that everything would be all right and wanted to 'protect' me from the thing... i dont know what you would do. youd say sorry. youd hmmmm cry. youd probably cry, actually.
ane marie isabelle is what im going to name my baby. or brent ryan. when ever i have a baby. i dont want to talk about babies.
i have cody to look forward to this summer. just got back from dougies visit in pei. and work with chris. camping with myrtle.
next year will be good. greece, new york, manitoba, queen, prom, graduation, my secret plan. i hope it works.
i dont have many girl friends now that i think of it
lets make a list of girls i hang out with/ call me
now boys
glazebrook lately
yes, so glazzebrook. is hot. i saw him at prom again. he got in an accident
flew right through his windsielf into mc donalds. then started smking again.
im tired.
i want scott to call. he's probably doing some other chick. i beat him at mini put. he cheated thuogh, so he said he won. but he gave me anice compliment today. practice makes perfect.
do you read this? or do you skip it? my thoughts. in ink. blah blah blha. right now im thinking about annie and her 21 year old bf.
bf. boy friiend. bum fucker. bitch fest. best friend. big fag. blunt face. boy friend. boy. friend. boyfriend. friend. end.
fishy in the ocean fishy in the sea, fishy in the middle,blow bubbles and swim FREE.