Sep 20, 2008 14:10
Of all many. many possible things you may be justified in feeling a nagging dissapointment in me about- and I think I have given more than sufficient reasons which might arguably subject me to such passive aggressiveness, I think grades should be one of the silliest reasons. The moral of the story is that if even your friends and family judge you by such a dumb aspect of your being, of which the jury is out whether one is entirely in control of actually, then all that bullshit about character or "more important things" can be chucked into stay in and cleared out of the bin to be recycled into more a level ten year series, or perhaps made into more denim to outfit my-Delta-minus-self. (Not to say I have much accomplishments to speak of that; I think the good side of me have never been properly nurtured. No one's fault but mine, naturally.)
I refuse to get it. There is no clear reason why you should have to deal with the embarrasment of your daughter not getting straight a's for the a levels- not to ponder the neccessity of feeling embarrassed of a scenerio you are clearly not blamed. On the same note, there is no right for you to feel any pride if I do manage to do decently. Bluntly put, it's none of your business, no, not directly at least.
Pass the soma, please. A gram is better than a damn.