Wondercon 2010 Report!

Apr 12, 2010 22:02

So, I was reading some of my fave webcomics ever (leasticoulddo.com, lfgcomic.com, and somethingpositive.net) and the creators mentioned they were going to  have booths at Wondercon this year.  I was all, "awww, it would be great to meet them."  I've been following Something Positive by Randy Milholland since I was a college freshman, and Looking For Group and Least I Could Do (both by Ryan Sohmer and Lar de Souza) for over a year now.  S*P and LICD are both slice of life comics about groups of friends and their adventures and relationships.  SP has a sarcastic overtone and LICD has a playful overtone, but they both make commentaries on society, nerd culture, and, among other things, the importance of family and friends.  They are both sarcastic and make wonderfully unpolitically-correct jokes, but they also have a lot of heart.  LFG is a fantasy-adventure story with the best webcomic character I have ever encountered, the sociopathic chaotically evil comic relief, Richard.  I could go on for pages, and maybe I will someday, but I will say that if you have a dry (and very sick) sense of humor like me, they are so very worth your while.

Then I saw that Wondercon was in SF.  SF!!!  My favorite webcomic creators only an hour away from me!  I wibbled because, while I always aim to be spontaneous, it was in two days and I didn't possibly think I could prepare myself in time.  I'm used to Fanime, which I always plan for months in advance.  But then, bluestraggler told me she was going with a friend, did I want to come with her?  Oh baby.  Oh baby.

And let me take a moment to give a shout-out, not only was bluestraggler my savior for hooking me up with a ride/company, she carried books that I bought all day without complaining, despite my constant apologies and offering to take them back.  They were not light.  She didn't have to do that.  She is an angel.  I may propose.

We entered the con and I pretty much went right for my webcomic booths.  I visited the LICD and LFG booth first. So I was already freaking out at the prospect of meeting them, but then I saw Ryan Sohmer in all his wiseass, blue-eyed glory and said in a hushed voice, "Are you Ryan?"

There is something you should know about me as a fangirl.  Once I meet someone who is a celebrity to me, I seriously lose half my brain.  This means I go from silly to slightly stupid and definitely wide-eyed, open-mouthed, OMGILOVEYOUILOVEYOU.  But again, somewhat absolutely retarded.

Ryan:  Why, yes I am
Me:  OMG, I love you!
Ryan:  Do you really?  Does this mean we're dating now?
Me:  *nearly dies and really wants to say yes, but*: Don't you have a baby?
Ryan:  *beams*  Proud papa moment! *whips out his iPhone and shows me and Nat an adorable pic of his new son*
Me and Nat:  *coo!*
Me:  I love love love your comics, I want to be Rayne!  [main character of LICD]
Ryan:.....but he's a guy!
Me:  He's just so awesome and has the most fun ever!

Ryan couldn't argue with that.  I also met Lar de Souza, who is an amazing cartoonist and does the art for both LICD and LFG.  I shook his hand and he held it for a few seconds longer than I expected, as a show of regard I guess.  Lar is big man, and his palm was large and warm and I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot.  I told him the art for LFG is spectacular and he grinned and thanked me.  Over the course of my two visits, we also talked about the LICD girl's fashion (they do have good clothes) and I told him that while I love Issa's boobs, I thought it was cute that Mick (the chubby but fun friend of Rayne) had the prettiest girlfriend.  He said he had been getting a lot of positive feedback on the girls that looked very natural and he complimented my bracelet!  (it was shaped like seawaves/wings)  I wish I could have given more detailed compliments about how much I love his art, but it's hard to think with only half a brain.

I chatted more with Ryan, who told me yes, he was similar to Rayne when he was younger, but Rayne mostly says/does a lot of what he wants to say/do.  (which is fine because I don't think many people would say/do what Rayne says/does).  We talked about the comic, and Nat told them that I had basically come to the convention to meet him, Lar, and another webcomic artist (completely true).  He laughed and seemed flattered, and I just stood there with my mouth open and little pink hearts emitting from my soul.

Me:  your comic so funny, and Issa's so pretty!
Ryan:  You're very pretty  *blue eyes twinkle*
Me:  *nearly dies AGAIN*  mimblewimblenoi'mnotbutthanks
Nat:  HE SAID YOU'RE PRETTYYY    (note:  Nat, you are my wingmanwoman anytime.  She totally filled in for me when my brain blanked from the awesome)
Me:  I wish I was like Rayne, but I think I'm more like Noel  [note:  he is Rayne's best friend who goes with the flow of Rayne's crazy]
Ryan:.............but he's a GUY.

I love you, Ryan.  I ended up buying a ton of awesome LICD and LFG merchandise (none of which I regret, because after all, when was I going to see these guys again?).  I also got to compliment the staff and joke around with them too.  They also said they were going out later, did I want to come out with them? (YESYESYESYESYES) but I had to decline as this was a one-day only trip and tomorrow was Easter.

I also met Randy Milholland who created Something Positive, and my interactions with him were equally humorous and fangirling.  I was behind some people at his booth and he must have felt the pink hearts from my soul because he looked over the other people to me and said, "Hold on a minute, buddy, that girl over there looks like she's going to explode."  XD   XD   I was all, "I JUST LOVE YOU."  Once I got to speak with him, I gave him a fan letter I wrote (hastily, in the car ride up) and told him I read S*P every day and it was so snarky and I loved it so much.  I also said I felt bad because I had been reading his comic for years and had never once emailed him to tell him how much I liked it.  He laughed and said that happened a lot, don't worry, I'm glad you like the comic.  He gave me a ton of hugs (<3!!!) and offered me a free sketch.  I asked timidly if he would draw me with PeeJee (whom I have the most affection for) and he immediately whipped out a kickass pic of me with PeeJee.  Once I get a chance to scan it, I'll post it!  If I don't end up framing it (which, knowing me, I will), at the very least I will be treasuring it.  He also offered me good prints of his comics/pictures for FREE, but I insisted on paying him.  He sincerely seemed like he didn't want to charge me, but I am financially capable and I told him that I loved his work and wanted to support him.  I honestly had to wear him down on this, it was very cute.  TAKE MY MONEY, RANDY, TAKE IT!!!

We had a slightly more serious conversation where I told him that one of his strips had made me cry.  It had been unexpectedly heartbreaking, and we got to have a very brief but serious conversation about the issue.

All three webcomic creators were not only polite, they were warm and just generally wonderful.  They could have acted arrogantly or made fun of me, but they were genuinely respectful towards me and their other more sane fans and my respect for them has only increased.  (I had been especially nervous of Randy, since he does take a snarky, chip-on-the-shoulder tone on the net sometimes but he was the friendliest, nicest guy).

While at the con, I also met Adam Baldwin (Jayne from Firefly) and James Marsters (Spike from Buffy).  To all their fans on my f-list, I am really really sorry I didn't get their autograph for you.  Heck, I didn't get their autograph for me (both charged a fair amount of money, and I am sadly not made of it).  If I could have, I would have gotten you their autograph, I swear.  I was starstruck with them as well, but I told them my friends loved them too  =)  and complimented their acting.  Actually I was more starstruck with Adam because I was more recently into Firefly, so I was able to talk to James with more than half a brain.  And btw, Adam is every bit as handsome offscreen as he is onscreen.  James is super uber charming and funny and tells good stories.  Both actors were very warm and kind to Nat and me and it was just so great to tell them how much we loved their acting.

Nat and I also attended the trailer viewing (where we freaked out over the Scott Pilgrim, Iron Man (contained exclusive footage), and Kickass trailers).  bluestraggler  was a top scout and found us seats really close and center to the panel.  Then the CAST AND SOME OF THE CREW OF KICKASS came out and talked about the movie.  This includes John Romita Jr., two comedic teenage boy actors, one cute but quieter lead teenage boy actor, one twelve-year-old girl actress who looked like an angel, and NICOLAS CAGE.  He said he had lost his voice which was why he sounded like an old black jazz player (he totally did!!!)  It was really neat to be able to hear from the actors before seeing the movie.  It looked so funny to begin with, I can't wait to see it now!

And that's all that I loved most about the con.  Since this post is already tl;dr-long, I'll wait to post pics of my loot for another day  =)    I had a great time, especially for the price ($15 for the DAY) and I would definitely go back!   May the force be with you!!!
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