Tagged and owned by ensuing

Jan 04, 2009 03:09

Make a list of things you can see without getting up:
NOOOOO, I have a chair that spins 360 degrees   =O  I will name things on my desk.  4 funny betta fish in their bowls, my beautiful 19" Widescreen LCD computer monitor (I'm still in love with it if it doesn't show, my last monitor was a monster), library books that have been renewed once, printer, keyboard, earring stand, small set of drawers, empty candy jar, solid perfume, liquid body spray in artsy glass perfume bottle, incense (I pamper my nose), Christmas gift part 1 from Adem, hair accessory box, face cream, both of my Legend of Zelda manga, one volume of mermaid_green 's manga that I am tempted never to return to her because the art is GORGEOUS  (j/k, mermaid_green .  You'll get it back.  Eventually.)

How do you style your hair?
I try to make it as straight as possible.  It has natural waves, though they are very light and only succeed in making me look unkept.  I either blow-dry it straight (straightening iron for emergencies), put it in a ponytail, or put it in a half-ponytail.

What are you wearing now?
my ring that I always wear, blood donor shirt, grey sweatpants

Do you have some sort of secret superpower?
The ability to make people's eyes roll simply by saying "Puss in Boots" or "betta fish" outloud

What's the last thing you read/are currently reading?
New book:  The Crimson Petal and the White by Michel Faber.  And I must rant about this sometime because it was both brilliant and utterly, infuriatingly pointless
Reread:  Paint it Black by Janet Fitch

Do you nap a lot?
Usually when I've slept less than eight hours.  This past winter break, that didn't happen and it didn't happen to the extreme.  I slept for twelve hours two separate days for no apparent reason.  toggy is rubbing off on me.

Who was the last person you hugged?

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
*manic grin*  I'm so glad you asked...LEGEND OF ZELDA, BABY!!!!  <3 <3 <3

What was the last thing you ate today?
My fruit jelly for desert and warm corn for a post-midnight snack.

What was your last impulse buy?
Mini perfume trays (wow, apparently I PAMPER MY NOSE)

What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Gmail, LiveJournal, Deviantart, YouTube (recently) Zelda Wiki.  I tend to check my wecomics fairly frequently.

Last thing you watched:
Re-watched Kung Fu Panda.  If you haven't seen it, either watch it or watch it with me because it.  is.  awesome.  Like, Emporer's New Groove level of awesome, except with fight scenes!

What are you cooking now?
Mom just spoiled me and made me enough lasagne to last me a week (or more) as well as an artichoke quiche.  My mom is amazing.  I will be cooking my two yams as soon as I learn how.......0.0.........=D

What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
"Fairy Fountain" from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.  Technically it's a melody, but whatev.

What kind of MP3 player do you have, and why, and if you don't have one why not?
Have you seen the new iPod nano advertisements with the nanos in a rainbow?  Yeah.  I got one of them  XD XD XD  I feel it's worth it because I spend at least an hour a day walking to and from school and listening to music encourages me to exercise and exercise keeps me healthy.  Listening to music also encourages me to do the dishes and clean my room, as well; both of which keep me healthy by giving my parents or roommates reasons not to maim me.

My last beloved mini iPod was a 3 GB, first generation, pale blue that broke on me after 4 faithful years of service.  It shall not be forgotten.

But in the meantime, I have Princess.

What is your favourite weather, and why?
Warm weather.  SLO weather, which is always sunny and warm weather.  Weather with the kind of winters I will be missing when I go back to the Bay Area.  This past winter in the Bay Area was brutal.

How are you?
It is 3:41AM and I have not collapsed yet.  Will continue to play until I do.

Is that it?
Not quite.  I will refrain from tagging people because a lot of you have already been tagged.  If you want to do so and haven't been tagged, I apologize for my laziness and consider yourself tagged by me.

Pax, everyone.

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