Nov 16, 2007 15:46
Few minutes ago, I checked the scale.
...I'm 51 kg, again.
Why? Just when I managed to bring it up to 52 about two weeks ago... Don't people usually get chubbier when the winter comes? Safe fat reserves, or something?
It's not like I'm on the verge of dying, for sure. For my height, 51 is just a little below the norm (it should be 54 or 55 or something along the lines), and since people are built differently, I don't mind the tiny difference.
If I lose any more, my breasts will disappear completely!
I'll be as flat as the bed I'm sleeping on. As flat as the floor in my room which doesn't even have a carpet for the difference in surface (cause I hate vacuum cleaning. To the point of preferring a go with a wet cloth every other time). As flat as a DVD disc of MoMusu single I won at the convention this summer.
do not want!
I ate a whole bar of chocolate yesterday, and did it in one go. Where is it? Where the hell is it?!