a year and a bit?

Aug 24, 2015 01:12

Within the last year and a half I changed jobs, moved twice, got married, got a cat, and started working on an online mori girl/natural kei/aomoji/generally-nice-and-creative-clothes shop (soon to be opened). With another blog attached to it that I'm supposed to update each Sunday. If you know me, you know it doesn't really work like that.

I won't lie, that's not the reason why I'm not writing here, nor why there's no more fanfiction coming from me.
Main reason for that is most likely my getting somewhat distanced from the fandom. I don't feel like I know the boys anymore, not enough to put my words into their mouths anyway. Plus, if I had the time for it, I guess I'd rather write something of my own. As usual, there are more ideas than there are opportunities although, if I really wanted to, I guess I could tell my husband and cat to go be cute elsewhere, close the door and just write it.

I guess at some point I will.
Right now work is enough in itself.

I should probably mention my band...dissolved. Can't really say we broke, cause no one has ever said the words, we just gradually got to the point when we had no time for it anymore. I miss it immensly, but then again I don't think it would be possible to continue now.

I don't think anyone is going to read this anymore, so this LJ is most likely going back to what it originally was - a diary written for no one in particular, just when I feel like it.

And now, I should really go to sleep.


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