another year has started

Jan 01, 2012 21:35


I let myself skip formalities, as I assume with this journal being here, on and off, for good several years, I shouldn't need to many 御座います’s.

Anyway, Happy New Year to anyone who might read my posts, and happens not to understand at least basic Japanese (is somebody there?)

Do you people make New Year's resolutions? And did you finish all of yours? I must say I only managed to fulfill about a half of my list, but it's still better than I expected when digging the list out to check. mainly because the big bold number one was to stay in Japan, and that obviously didn't work out.

Since putting the list here, on LJ, proved to be the best (if not only) method not to lose it, I decided to do it again. After all it is a working way to keep myself focused on getting better - in some way.

Resolutions for 2012:

1. Not to succumb to destructive, fatalist and uncreative views of people bored of basically being boring themselves
2. Get my business up and running
*understand Polish taxes or die trying
3. Get some of my Asian friends to visit me
4. Go abroad myself at least for a few days
5. Get one of those awesome board/card games like Mansion of Madness and work out a group of co-players, meet them preferably once a month
6. By the end of the year, start looking for a place to rent on my own
7. In the Spring and Summer time, go to work by bicycle
8. Write something. I mean really ;P
9. See to it that my band actually does get back together, write new songs, and do some gigs.
10. Do my best at CC so that I could get a pay raise (and afford a room)

Yeah, girls be ambitious.
Well, I wonder what are your ideas?

personal, new year

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