just wondering

Jan 11, 2011 15:09

I wonder if becoming an adult means, among many other things of course, being by default impersonal.

I got an email from my supervisor saying that the third time I sent it (actually the second time, as last time I forgot to make an attachment) the invoice was OK. I got stupidly happy, because I honestly have no talent for this kind of things, and aside from being virtually unable to do any maths, I have problems filling in blanks in official documents. It's funny, 'cause they're mostly simple, but somehow, I get nervous and manage to write my address in the wrong column every other time.

So I wrote back.

I'm glad the invoice is finally alright I typed, and was about to add I feel like I gained a level on the way to becoming a proper adult ;) but right before my finger landed on the *I* key, I stopped.

Wanna be an adult? I asked myself leave it. Nobody cares. Let alone your boss.
After all, work is work, and even if people are nice, they're not friends. That's one of the differences, right? I mean, between being a kid and not being one anymore.

When I look at the facebook or nk pictures of my former classmates getting married and having children, having careers, doing respectful jobs and so on, I feel like I'm left behind in the world of teenage. I wonder if I'm the only one so full of doubts, still not sure what to do with her life. I feel like I can't do anything, I have so much to learn and I do want to learn, I want to become a better person bit by bit, everyday. But at the same time there's embarrassment. There are people exactly my age, people I know and have once been in a similar place with, who have already found their place. If I met those former classmates of mine, would I have anything to be proud of?

Having to remind myself not to add personal notes of childish pride to emails addressed to my supervisor certainly isn't one.

I'm 25 and still a baby.

babbling, personal, yu in japan, work

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