bits of my life and some pics :)

Aug 01, 2010 13:28

Yesterday was Sumidagawa Hanabi Taikai. Jealous already? Well, you shouldn't be, because I didn't go, even though I wanted to, very badly. But I happen to work as a waitress and this means Saturdays are my busiest working days, with absolutely no possibility to take leave no matter what.

However, because aside from Sumidagawa, there was also a taikai in Urayasu (very close to Kasai, check in google maps if you're interested or just believe me ;P ), Mastaa said there would probably be no guests in the restaurant, and had planned to release us one by one every hour starting at 8pm. He made an amidakuji on a piece of paper and let us choose the routes.

You know what amidakuji is, right? No? It's as popular as rock, paper, scissors, and actually more fair, so we always use it to decide who goes home first on lazy days. Here's how it works.

Since I have bad luck in such things as a rule, I didn't want to choose first, but Hachi and Miya were equally unkeen to do so this time. After all, the winner would make it to the fireworks, so the tension was pretty high. At some point, I was about to say "Ohh, ok, make me number 2" just to cut the finger-pointing finally, but a second earlier Hachi took the paper and chose said number 2. She's won! I was soooo jealous... but then again, I got to go for our school trip and she didn't (it just happened to be on my leave day) so I thought, it was fair she got to go. I bit my lip and sent her off with a smile. Mastaa let her go even earlier than planned, around 6 o'clock, probably so that she'd make it to Sumidagawa Taikai and not just to Urayasu. Lucky gal!

But then... it appeared he was so very wrong about no guests coming... I don't know if all the people who have no interest in fireworks randomly decided to visit us, or was it just because Hachi wasn't there and the regular Saturday was simply too much to handle, but it felt like the busiest time ever. On top of that Tenchou was in a Bad Mood. He is in this Bad Mood since Thursday, all three of us decided it must be some kind of male PMS, but we're too scarred to ask. Although Tenchou is angry on very rare occasions, once he gets angry he's scary and we run away and hide.

Naturally Miya wasn't let to go at 9pm, we both actually stayed over time (but just 20 minutes) and by the end of the day even the scary Tenchou brightened up a little (but only a little), maybe acknowledging we did our very best?..

As for the school trip, I suppose you'd like to see some pics, but since I for know only have ones I've taken with my cellphone (waiting for some nice people to send the proper camera pics to me), I'll save another post for a detailed report. Probably friendlocked as there will be faces, but does anyone not on my f-list read this LJ anyway? I suppose not, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?

A little budda statue in front of the entrance to Oowakudani (a crater of a still active volcano that used to be considered the main entrance gate of Hell), and the Odawara castle that we got to see simply by chance.

personal, yu in japan, work

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