yu talking politics?!!

May 12, 2010 16:32

As you have probably heard in some news (I guess you have, because even Japanese customers of the restaurant I'm working in recently react less randomly on my country's name), Poland has lost quite a number of politicians in a plane accident in Russia, including the president and his wive. As a result, all polish-language internet went black and white for a while, and according to my friends, the national grief was so *everywhere* that it even started to bug them. Right now, crying is more or less over, Google got back it's colours and gossip magazines are competing over who's gonna come up with a better 'what REALLY happened' story. And I myself feel a bit like a bad prophet, 'cause there were numerous occasions on which I said my country's politics won't evolve until the communist-times-bred politicians simply die out, as brutal as it sounds.

But me having my sarcastic talk made true is not really an issue here. It's that the last three or so years were a proof I can't really go on ignoring the politics totally, and I actually did vote already (which is against my I'm an artist and therefore my political ignorance should be understood, excused and left as it is policy), while still in Poland. Given the circumstances, I'm gonna get a chance now to try voting abroad, here in Tokyo, for a new president. At first I thought I wouldn't give a damn, after all I don't even want to go back to Poland, so why should I care who gets to be the president? Well, I accidentally did something I shouldn't have...

I skimmed through the list of candidates.

One word: ugh

Among the people I don't exactly like and people I never heard of, there are a few I could never accept as Polish president, because, u know, even if I don't live there, I'm still being asked my nationality now and then. And there's only one way to make the ultimate shame go away - go and vote for someone else, possibly someone popular, who could win against the nightmares embodied.

The problem is, those popular people are either people I don't exactly like, or don't know them but they come from parties I don't like as much as I'm expected to. OR they write a program so lose it's hard to say what do they really want to do. Boo.

All in all, I don't know what to do. I may end up not going after all, focusing on my Japanese exam and wondering if Minshuto is gonna make it easier to get Japanese citizenship. No, I don't hate being Polish, I just don't enjoy it so much to bear bi-annual visa extending trips to Shinagawa for the rest of my life unless I actually marry a Japanese, stay with him for 10 years and get a kid, which then MAYBE will give me a permanent stay permit. Which, in the light of the facts (hello, you don't want marriage, you hate kids and you're dating an Indonesian yes, I googled Indonesia enough to realize there will be problems) may be sorta hard to pull off.


on more private side, if anyone's interested that is, I'm eating too much mango and melon popsickles, watching Veronica Mars (hail to the teenager's tv shows this time), and arranging a surprise birthday party for a classmate/friend/coworker this Friday. And did I mention it was her who first mentioned the movie and called me Nana?

You brought your fate on yourself, Hachi... now you're gonna get that huge pink flower as a birthday present.

japan, yu in japan, poland

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