there's no such thing as a bad occasion to give chocolate

Feb 13, 2010 02:48

Sunday's V-day.

lolli lolli lolli

I used to hate it.
Because it came in the same package with McDonald's, Coca Cola, boring movies with a lot of noise and very little plot, and New Yorker's clothes. I hated it because I couldn't stand the fact some random american (yes, I know, not only, but that's my point of view when I was 15, ok?) holiday is easily taking over my country while old, good eastern european traditions like Kupala night are getting forgotten.

Plus, I got that blue teddy bear once.
From someone I very much disliked for a long time, through most of the time we knew each other. About the time I turned 14 I decided to grow up and stop all the nonsensical 'hate' towards mostly innocent people, so I would have a civilized conversation with him once in a while, especially after we landed in the same high school. He shocked me so much with that toy that I did the stupidest thing possible - run away WITH it. Managed to sort out the mess an hour later, but I never spoke to the guy again. I found myself wanting him to dislike me.

It didn't add to the appeal of the already disliked "random american holiday". Next year I happened to have a boyfriend at that time and told him very openly Valentine's was forbidden. No Valentines, please. With a cheap excuse that he didn't need an occasion to give me a present, he gave me a rabbit plushie on V-day. It was kinda cute but... what is it with guys and plush toys? Am I to play with them, or what? If they want to see me as a kid so much, then please, feed me with sweets. Take me for a ride on a merry-go-round. Bring a pillow that we can rip together to have a dive in feathers (I always wanted to do it once but mummy never let me). There's so many things, so stop the teddy bears, please.

...but I fell of the track. I was actually supposed to say that with years passing, I graduated from hating Valentine's too, and even came to like it, if only just a little. I like the way Japanese girls actually make chocolates. I like the idea of tomo-choco for friends.

OK, you guessed it, I simply can't miss the occasion to have fun in the kitchen. I'm not as desperate as to make the actual chocolate myself, but I do make the filling. 19 choco-orange-chilli filled pralines this year.

3 for Rさん who already got them as a birthday present last Sunday. (I made them separately last week)
3 for Takae, I'll give her tomorrow.
Twice 2 for my roommates, I gave it to them tonight because they've unfortunately witnessed the whole process of making them. But they promised to eat them on Sunday.
Twice 2 for classmates whom I'll actually meet on Sunday because it's chinese New Year and we're going to eat gyoza!
2 for Princess In.
2 for my best friends back in Poland (I will probably eat them myself while looking at their pictures or talking to them on gg ;P )
And one I ate as a proof bite. Good. I'm unexpectedly good at it.


PS: I feel like dancing again. Wonder if Takae goes to clubs. Wonder if Rさん actually dances when he does, because he does. He doesn't look like it, but you never know with him.

(if you're a lucky member of a nation that has problems understand my train of thought: 85% of Polish guys go to clubs but then keep drinking and watching girls dancing. Because 'they can't dance' or 'they're not drunk enough yet'. Hello, you're there to have fun, not to win a contest, and if you can't have fun dancing, go to a freakin' pub and stop checking out my ass. Losers. As for the drinking excuse... it's not even worth a comment)

personal, food, japan, yu in japan

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