Jan 22, 2010 01:11
should I admit to the perv I am?
u know I have a thing for sho. no, that's and understatement, I have a fully developed teenage-girl-worthy crush on him. so when I heard from raneczka that he's going to be a main dish in next anan, I instantly thought 'I want it!'.
I've seen it in two shops today, and even had it in my hands once, but I didn't buy it. why?
well, the fact that I've never seen more than one photo shoot from the same issue somehow left me convinced that anan is a regular women's magazine with five eyecandy pages that make it sell. but when I actually opened the mag, I saw lots, lots of underdressed boys, I was turning page after page and they were still there, and if they weren't, it was only because you don't feature naked men in eye shadow commercials...
It wasn't porn, all pics were decent and some actually very pretty, but after several seconds my hand automatically put the magazine back on the stand, and I walked away with a very stupid smile. Well, one of the reasons was I don't know what would I do with it. my original plan to justify spending 420 yen on something inedible was to practice kanji reading, and learn a bit about Japanese society. after all I *have* heard anan is for big girls, so I assumed it would feature more articles than fashion for once. but firstly there wasn't that much to read, and secondly: like I could focus on the signs!!
but it's just human body, nothing I haven't seen before, so if I really can't focus on the signs it says more about me than the magazine... ('-_-)
which brings me to square one. should I just admit I'm rotten and buy the damn thing? then again, perverted or not, I do feel it would be a waste of money. if not for Sho I wouldn't buy it for sure. what do you think girls? would you buy it?
yu in japan,