fanfic writing

Dec 31, 2009 03:19

You must be thinking that I'm slacking off and not writing any fics. You're right. I had an excuse until late October when I finally had my thesis done and protected, and graduated. After that I actually went back to writing for a while and so the multichap I was working on before gained 3 long chapters and finally started to shape up. But you know what?

I think you wouldn't like it.

It's unclear from the start what the main pairing will be, or should I say maybe there's no pairing at first, just people having weird relations with each other, mostly bad or bitter ones. In the end there is romance, but if I told you whose romance it was, I'd spoil it. My initial idea was quite ambitious but in the end it's a mess possibly bigger than AngelicA. And it's not finished. Because it got too long and complicated - that last bit is my specialty, introducing just too many layers at once, too many characters that matter almost equally and so on. In my head it's all tied up together nicely, but as soon as I start writing, it becomes a thick wall of text.

I enjoy reading uwasako's journal. One day I thought: what if all those ridiculous stories were real? Or if not all of them, then at least some? And what if JE was even more of a crazy place than those gossip magazines depict it as? And what if the jimusho did what one of the magazines said it would do with younger bands in 2009? It's an alternate version of the year that has just passed, very non-fluffy guys with not-so-funny problems caught in a web of their own wicked feelings, their company's seemingly irrational decisions and the big bad show business world that won't give them a break. And a demon from Ogasawara, to take the pressure off, 'cause you know I don't like angst.

I'm leaving in 4 days and I have no idea at all when will I get myself a laptop so there's no saying if I can continue and when.

Do you want to read it? I could try making what I now have read-ible and maybe add a few words too, but would you like a fanfic like that? It's weird, I like it, but it's weird.

fanfiction, writing

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