Aug 30, 2007 21:46
came out yesterday. title track is good as usual (nothing less from Chara at least), track 02 is interesting and less pop-ish, and finally, there's no. 3... when I first read on her Universal page that she's going to cover Yoshiyuki Osawa's 'Soshite Boku wa Tohou ni Kureru' that 'happens' to be THE song from Japanese 80ties that influenced me the most and is probably scrobbled in totally inhuman numbers on my profile, I had tears in my eyes. The song is pure love, Chara is my Goddess, and now she wants to record it?! yes, ladies & gentlemen, she did it. and, as expected from someone like her, did a great job, making the song hers but still keeping its character. the vital points it was based on were untouched. I'm happy.
I feel this year is rich in good music. while still being under influence of JE boys with no perspective of getting my freedom back any time soon, I didn't drown in mainstream completely and managed to get my greedy paws on few great albums. a lot of people I like happen to like Monday Michiru and thanks to it I can enjoy something more than one free track from her website. hooray. Jazztronic seems to like good people in general and keeps producing great sounds from somewhere-around-jazz. Bonnie Pink is exactly how she should be (nothing stunning but everything's in its right place), Ryohei covers oldies in a way that should be tought at school (funny or not, Cavaca is actually better than his original works), Clammbon is fun and surprisingly easy listening, Clazziquai works fine and, all of a sudden a lot of people you'd think forgot how to hold a mike, release something new.
however for me, the most significant musical event of the year is Chara's UNION, first original album after years. there's a DVD too. I wonder if anybody's going to be so nice and upload it on JPOPSUKI. I'm a fan of 'try before you buy', especially when I am to order a DVD from Japan...
artist: osawa yoshiyuki,
artist: chara,