let's work on it! part 17

Jan 02, 2009 03:17

Title: let's work on it! part 17/20
Author: still me
Pairing: generally ryoda, some pikame and jinda
Rating: overall PG-13...14?
Genre: romance, comedy, a bit of everything
Disclaimer: not mine
Summary: Finally there's something to do in PURODE. The job is ridiculous, but it's there, at the very least. And everything would be fine for YamaP, if not for the fact that instead of a respectable company, his workplace looks more and more like a stage for some ill-plotted romance drama. (It is one, Pi. Deal with it.)

part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | part 14 | part 15 | part 16

Theme song: Garasu no jyuudai by Hikaru Genji. You all know this song pretty well from various performances in Shounen Clubs and other TV shows! These days the ones who get to sing it the most often are Kis-My-Ft2, as they seem to be the proper roller-skating successors of Hikaru Genji. Here you have the original '88 version!

Hello, it's me, Tomohisa. I'm caught in the middle of other people's businesses again, but it's not like I'm not used to that.

On Monday, when we were supposed to get our new work assignments, everybody gathered in the office early, curious what would we be working on this time. It's always like that, no matter how many times it happens, and how much we end up hating the job in the end, the moment before we get it is always exciting. At least for me it is, and I think for Kazu-chan too. I'm not so sure about others.

Kazu smiled to me that morning. He does so every now and then, so you probably think it's not a big deal.

Yeah, maybe you're right. But I loved that smile anyway.

"Let's take up the job for the four of us this time" he whispered to my ear. "You, me, Nishikido and Akanishi."

"Are you serious?" I had a feeling he's plotting something evil again, but he looked so genuine, and pure.

He nodded.

I let myself be deceived.

"The client this time is some idol agency" Ueda sighed heavily after saying that "called Jimmy's Entertainment. They want us to take care of production of their promotional materials for some boysband's concert tour. Any volunteers?"

"Since when are we a publishing house for shitty pamphlets?" Ryo snorted and it looked like he wanted to leave, but of course he couldn't do it yet. Firstly, because the meeting wasn't over and no one was allowed out before. Secondly, because Ueda glared at him. It lasted for three seconds, and for those long, full three seconds, Ryo had Ueda's attention exclusively for himself. Naturally he wouldn't let go of a possible encore in near future.

"We're not making any regular materials like pamphlets, uchiwas, ticket designs or such." Ueda continued "They have another company taking care of that. Our job is to take these and make them into sell-able things."

While spelling the word 'these' he's opened a file that he had before himself on the table. We peeked inside curiously, only to find a pile of exceptionally pathetic drawings inside.

"What ARE these?!" Ryo couldn't restrain himself yet again. "Hamsters?"

"I thought they were squirrels!" Jin added his own opinion, and I couldn't help rolling eyes, but to my dismay, Kame joined the fun.

"And not Doumo-kun's? You know, that ugly* NHK mascot which looks like..."

"WHATEVER they are" Ueda didn't feel like letting this conversation go on "we are to use them. The band members have designed them and we were asked to take care of idea-development, full designs, and manufacturing. And since it's an easy job, we only have two weeks for the first presentation, and no more than three before the mass production has to be started."

"Ueda, we're not a toy factory!" Shibutani, for once not drunk, almost cried at poor drawing of what looked like a panda dressed up as Doraemon to me.

"I know" our dear secretary from Hell greeted him with his trade-mark sad and tired smile "I'm only telling you what was decided by bosses. I by no means had any say in that. If you think those aren't usable save for maybe being put on a box of tissues, design a box of tissues. I personally think the rats wouldn't look half bad on one."

"Which rats?" Koyama got interested.

"Isn't that a rat?"

"Not Hello Kitty?"

"We can't make Hello Kitty, Akanishi, it's copyrighted."

"But so is Doumo-kun and Kamenashi..."

"To me it looks like a winged chameleon."

"Let's make a pocket game with a flying chameleon! The machine itself can be in a shape of that squirrel over there."

"Sure, if YOU speak to Matsumoto about manufacturing it! And by the way, I still think it's a hamster."

"Once again, we're not a frigging toy company!"

"Fine, me, Yamashita and Nishikido will gladly do it. Akanishi can join us too if he wishes so."

Everybody blinked at the same time and turned their heads to Kazu, who looked full of best intentions. Ryo-chan started moving away from us but I registered Kazu's hand sneaking behind my back to pinch Ryo's butt. The victim gave out a high pitched squeak and remained in his seat, probably getting the message right.

Was I, by any chance, dating a very cunning person?

"Well, if that's the case, please take care of it" Shibutani-senpai stood up, glad that he's somehow out of that job. He excused himself out of the room and so did Koyama, and most of other people. In the end, only the four of us and Ueda were left.

"I'd tell you more details" Ueda said "but frankly speaking, there's not much. You have two weeks to make these drawings into things and it doesn't matter what they are. And I mean what I just said, it doesn't have to be anything like our usual products, if you want a fluffly pillow with no electronics in whatsoever, that's fine, we'll find a manufacturer outside of our company. Despite what it looks like, it's actually an elite job for our department exclusively and will help your names more than the company as a whole. I don't know why the bosses accepted it."

"Because it takes two weeks?" Akanishi's voice sounded very sarcastic. I didn't know why would he make such a random comment in that serious manner, but seeing how Ueda's eyes got wide after he heard it, I thought maybe there was some meaning to it after all.

I wasn't one bit unhappy about being left out of it, but it wasn't to remain this way for too long. As soon as the door closed behind Ueda and the four of us were left alone in the conference room to look more carefully at the drawings and brainstorm some ideas, I learnt it won't be too soon before we get to do any work. I mean, Kazu started talking.

"I'm glad I have you all here" he said "and that Tatsuya was so kind to leave."

I looked questioningly at him, then at the other two, only to realize they're as puzzled as I am.

"Akanishi, care to explain to me and Ryo what the hell are you doing with Tatsuya?" Kame could be very specific when he wanted. And now he did want it indeed.

However, Akanishi didn't look moved by that. He shrugged and sighed.

"I have rights to love him just like Ryo does."

"Akanishi Jin" Kazu brushed his hair and started talking slowly; accenting every syllable as if Jin was mentally handicapped. Maybe he really thought so. "The fact you finally realized it's good to love someone you want to have sex with is great. Really, it means you're finally maturing. But please, leave Tatsuya out of it, he has nothing to do with your late adolescence problems. Besides, you're ruining my plan!"

"Your plan? What plan?" Ryo asked, stunned. Kazuya apparently forgot Ryo-chan was still there.

The one to save Kame was Jin, who chose to ignore Ryo and surprise us all with his knowledge about Ueda's whereabouts.

"Whatever, he's getting transferred anyway. In two weeks time he'll be in Aomori. So both me and Nishikido will have to give up on him."

"WHAT?!" Me and Kazu shouted in unison.

Ryo-chan stood up.

"That's what you think!" he exclaimed and run out of the room. I sent a questioning gaze towards Kazu.

"I didn't know. It totally ruins my plan of getting those two finally together in fact. And to think I just got us into this shit because of it!" He pointed at the silly pictures.

I was still gazing at him until he got what I really meant. He shrugged it off and rolled his eyes.

"It's not my fault he's like a high schooler, Pi. But sure, go after him. Before he does something stupider than we can think of."

I left Kazu and Jin with the apparently-not-useful-anymore work assignment and went to look for Ryo. Although it wasn't more than twenty seconds since he slammed the conference room door, I couldn't find him anywhere in sight. I was about to check the storage room he liked to hide in, when I saw him sitting at Ueda's desk. Ueda wasn't there, so seeing only one person, I at first didn't think it could be Ryo. He looked very calm and determined, but I knew it was only a cover. He must have taken the news really hard.

"Maybe it's not true" I tried speaking while approaching him. "It's only something Akanishi said, not Ueda himself."

"If it's about my transfer, it's true" I jumped in the spot and Ryo smirked at me, but soon his expression went back to tense. Ueda was standing behind me, and next to him was some kid I've never seen before.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Was it only me, or Ryo-chan was throwing a tantrum like a PMS-ing housewife?

Ueda rolled his eyes the way Kazu often does. I wondered who caught whose habits in that.

"I only learnt it yesterday myself."

"So why Akanishi knows? Did he... do you...?"

"Calm down, Nishikido" Ueda cut in. Somehow I felt like I'm disturbing the atmosphere, much like the stranger boy next to our dear secretary. And I was supposed to back up Ryo. Strange.

"If I call you Tatsuya, and I definitely do, then you could call me by my first name too!"

I blinked. That was too much even for me, with all my years worth knowledge of Ryo's antics and random psychological reverts to five-year-old.

"Ryo-chan, we're at work" I reminded him silently, poking his left shoulder. Not that he paid any attention. He was fully focused on Ueda, who got closer to him, very close in fact, and said in a whispery voice that must have been tickling Ryo's face.

"Fine then, Ryo-chan , as your best friend has pointed out, we're at work. I believe you have some serious brainstorming to do back in the conference room. And I have to show around the office to this young man who's gonna take over my job."

"T...Taisuke?!" yes, before the impact of Ueda's proximity and whispery voice caused Ryo to pass away, or run away, or attack, or rape him right there and then (all of which were possible as far as I knew), another person climbed up on stage of this little office drama. Kitayama was his name.

Our little whore-wannabe froze with the coffee cup in one and some folder in his other hand, his eyes big and round like apples. On the toher hand the guy next to Ueda looked like he just won ten million yen.

"Oh right, you guys disturbed me introducing him" Ueda sighed shortly, but then waved his hand in the air and started in a loud voice. "Attention everybody! I am being transferred to Aomori in two or three weeks from now, and this person is going to take over my post. His name is Fujigaya Taisuke, please be nice to him."

"Take over?..." Kitayama wanted to make sure, I don't know why.

Ueda shrugged.

"Nice to meet you, everybody, I'm Fujigaya Taisuke" the new guy said. "I'm a graduate from Keio university, looking forward to spend a lot of time with you. I'll do my best to be helpful."

Kitayama dropped the mug. His jaw dropped low too.

"Graduate my ass! You're third year student who should go back to classes! Why in the hell did you come here?!"

Ueda and Ryo were a pain. Jin joining the scene was ridiculous. Kitayama running after the three of them made my head hurt. And now a kid that most likely run here after Kitayama (he was the only one who knew him after all)?!

Too much. Way too much. I felt I'm choking and I haven't even eaten anything.

"Ueda, I'm sorry, but I'm taking Kazu to continue brainstorming somewhere out of here. If you need us, call us." That said I went back to conference room, ignored the oh-so-serious and not-related-to-our-new-project-at-all conversation Kazuya was having with confused Jin and grabbed my lover's hand.

"We're out of here. I've had enough of that sissy bullshit."

"Whoooa, my Pi is cursing" Kazu's eyes twinkled. I swear they did.

"Let's go, sexy" he kissed my cheek, I wiped it with my palm and soon we were out of the building.

It seems Kazu likes me when I'm pissed. No idea why, but I don't complain.

*it's not the author's opinion, it's Kame-in-the-fic's

*I updated the JACK Awards tonight (best East Asian MVs of 2008). Check my previous post for the juicy results. :D

fanfiction, pairing: pikame, pairing: ryoda, pairing: jinda, fanfiction: let's work on it

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