(( OOC Post 2 ))

Nov 22, 2011 02:34

[ It's almost been exactly five months since I've picked Yukwon up, and a lot has happened since then so he's been adapting and changing. So maybe there's more critique or comments on the kind of person he's become. In other words... time for another critique post. ㅠ.. Anything on his characterization or my writing or just any feedback you might have on him will all be taken into consideration...^^; Please and thank you.... comments are screened because I dunno how to do anonymous comments. ^^~ Thanks to lovethismoment, anonymous comments were enabled...!! Still screened.

Also, taking a hiatus that might be just a couple weeks. Possibly less than that, though. ♥ Praise is also welcome.... Makes my mornings and days much happier~ ㅋㅋ

(( ooc ))

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