Today the new Big Bang Album was released!!
I just listened to it and I really love it <3
Actually it is different from what I expected after watching the teaser... and I am kind of happy that it is different from my expactation lol
It is not so gangster style as someone whould have thought after watchng the teaser. It has more Ballads...or at least slow songs.
And I had to laugh so much while listening to To my friend which is featuring No Brain...and well...the song sounds a lot more like a No Brain Song as a Big Bang Song XD
A little bit like Indie Rock...or what it is called...but I like it. ^o^
The title track Haru Haru is very melodious. And there are many T.O.P-Parts lol
The Musicvideo is very sad and I think the way how they realised the MV is very interesting and special. I haven't seen something like that for a long time.
Online Videos by some scenes G-Dragon looks like Kim Ki Bum from Super Junior with the black eyelines o.o)
Well...I know which CD would be the first I'll buy, when I arrive in Korea.........
빅뱅오빠들 사랑해요!!!
FINALLY I got the room arrangements from Ewha today. Whoa, I waited so long for it...
I am on Floor se7en *whahahah*
(like here in Germany....the last semester I also was on floor 7).
I think that's fate LOL
Would have been funny, if I would have been in 707....but I am not T_T
I am in a double room with a finnish girl...
I am a little bit afraid of how it would be to be with someone together in one room...
But I will try my best to be a comfortable roommate ^^
And on the floor are many germans and japanese students. So maybe I can also improve my japanese? XD (or at least not forget it)