Mar 20, 2005 10:43
Well not just... But last night I was talking to Kitten lol he was all talking and I was falling asleep
'Hey, do you want me to let you go?'
"No, no, I'm not even *yawn* tired"
Yea so anyways
Something strange... I dont really miss him. It's so weird. I like talking to him but that c;ingy I gotta talk to him is gone
I was wide awake when he was telling me about his date though, yea
He said she wasn't on my level *beams* but yea
Who wouldn't want to hear that? Must get back to the search to find my cellie its probably in the kitchen...
The Ring2
went to see it
I was all hyper so it wasnt scary I was laughing at everything
And these annoying Europeans were sitting behind me
kicking my chair, that was the only time I jumped hey they only kicked my chair twice
They know ::Cracks Knuckles, picks up bottle:: lol
Anyway, he'll be back from church soon... Gotta find that phone!!!