Philosophical dreams

Oct 28, 2008 11:11

This is bizarre because i avoid deep subjects like philosophy and metaphysics.  I don't mind a discussion a few times a year over beers or while camping under the stars, but in general, it's on my list of 3 topics i won't engage in except with people i deeply trust.

Anyway, i thought i was showing up to audition for a choir accompanyist job, so i practiced the hell out of the piano, but it was actually a series of interviews to join a variety of semi-secret societies (sort of like houses or clubs or philosophical organizations) at my old job, sort of.  The two interviewers were people from my last job, one of whom i shared cube and lab space with and was a good guy whom i didn't know so well.  The other was a modeler and a director, but a nice approachable guy, though somewhat private, so i didn't know him well.  Also present was a RL friend of scholar's from SCCC who i also consider a friend of mine, who has no connection to my Boston life at all.  A random addition.

So i used the fact that i'd prepped for the wrong interview to make an analogy about balance in life, and how focussing on the details can lead one astray, just as being too relaxed and never bothering with a single detail is going too far in the other direction.

My subconcious is much wiser than me, and apparently thinks i'm not addressing my problems correctly, though i'm not certain which approach it thinks i'm taking. Probably the floaty, holistic approach, and it wants me to focus a little more on the details before i implode in a cloud of patchouli and tiedye.

dream journal

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