Random Therpy

Sep 29, 2008 23:52

AKA a meme.

No more or less revealing than any other :)

You & Yourself...
Name: Kira
Birthplace: Ann Arbor, MI
Nickname: Never got one :(
Living at: My house, for another 10 days or so.
Height: 5'5
Weight: Right.  Like i'd reveal that!
Male or Female: Female
Hair colour: Blonde-ish, underneath.
Eye colour: Grey.
Skin Colour: Beige
Best physical Feature: Calves

This Or That...

Coke or Pepsi: Diet either.
Cofee or tea: Iced either.
Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla
Pink or blue: Navy or fuschia?
Hot or Cold: Cold
Summer or Winter: Winter
Swimming or Running: Running
Smile or Frown: Smile
Big Boobs or small bobbs: Athletic is nice :)
Meat or vegetables: Meat


Color: Violet
Number: 6
Saying: Living well is the best revenge.
Place: The UP
Person: scholar, duh ;)
Friend: Several.
Animal: Not picky :)
Country: Tough choice.
Food: Sushi
Drink: Hefeweisen
Piece of clothing: Cargo shorts


Shower daily: Not if i can help it.
Eat your five a day: Not usually.
Dance in the rain: Dance, no.  Bike, yes.
sing in the shower: Hells, yes.
Swear: See above :D
wash dirty clothes rather than wear them again: Dirty, yes.
Say Nice things to people: If i can help it.

Do You.....

Lie: I try not to!
Smoke: Nope
Drink: Yup.
Eat too much: Yup.
Smile: If i have to.
Shoplift: Not even once.
Commit crimes: Not that i know of.
Have a good relationship with your parents: Decent.

In Him/ Her what do you prefer...

Eye colour: So totally don't care!
Hair colour: Yes?  Or bald, is okay.
Height: Yes?
Weight: Yes?
Fat or thin: Rather heavier than not.
Lanky or muscular: More is sometimes actually more.
Hot Or cute: Ugh, neither?  Sincere is good.
Shy or confident: Situational.
Black or white: Or brown, pink, beige, ecru, taupe, purple, or green.
Good at singing or DIY: Singing.  DIY would be competition for me ;)
Style: Optional.
Personality: Required :)
Some of those later ones make little sense to me ;)


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