Mah Weekend

Jul 15, 2008 20:23

A day late, but no dollars short.  I hope.

Long, long long long weekend.


-Friday i was extra productive, and left at around 1 pm.   After a quick spot of lunch scholar and i cleaned house like the wind for a 6.45 showing, and were in fact done and out a little less harried-ly than usual.  A full 15 minutes in advance, instead of the usual 0.5.  We just drove to Davis and tried the new hot dog joint.  It was decent - he liked his dogs, and my salad was fresh and good, but somewhat bland.  I would have liked some chicken fingers on the side, but the portion seemed too huge to bother, since i knew they would not end up as leftovers but in scholar's stomach as well.  And that would have turned a $15 dinner into a $25 dinner, and that's a bit much for a quickie dinner.

-Friday night we just chilled on the couch with beer.  Hooray beer :D

-Saturday am we slept in until 9, and then had some chill time on the patio with laptops and coffee.   Then the cleaning happened, again.  Why do two cats shed SO MUCH in only 18 hours, anyway??

-I went into work for an hour, as i'd planned when leaving early Friday, and set up a bunch of NMRs.  All in a row!  Back to back!  More than 15 minutes total!  Ah, the joys of Saturday work.

-We came home, changed real quick, and drove down to Bellingham, MA, for a HouseCon at a friend's house.  No idea how sekrit this HouseCon is, so i won't name the guilty party ;)  Had a blast, and i offer them yet another apology for changing our schedule 3 times in 3 days before the Con, due to last minute showing requests :(

kroh01 and his wife, whom i don't know if she has a username anywhere, were freshly returned from Iraq.  They are both two of the finest people i know, though i'm not particularly close to either of them.  But i really respect them both, and regret they live so far away.  Despite VERY different lifestyle choices, and life paths, i think we'd get along splendidly if we had the chance to hang out more.

-We drove back Saturday night, despite originally planning to stay the night, since we knew Sunday was a long day too.

-Sunday am we slept until 10!  But we only got home around 3, so that's not actually a ton of sleep.  Again, the breakfast and the resting, then the cleaning.

-Again, i went to work, analysed all those NMRs, and registered a bunch of compounds.  Yay bringing home the bacons.

-At home we changed again and drove down to Ellington, CT, where scholar's aunt, cousin, and grandfather live.  Grandpa was in a GREAT mood compared to when i met him at xmas, which made me feel much better.  He's slowly getting over the shingles, at age 85, and it's been almost two years.  But i'd say he's improving and has probably another decade or close to it, in him.

So that's a pretty typical weekend around here.  I'm tired just reading it.

But the funny thing of the weekend, which so obviously falls under Pop Psychology 101 Moment:

On our way to CT to see Aunt and Grandpa, who are scholar's French and Russian side of the family - i.e. NOT the Puerto Rican side - we listened to Raggaeton the entire way down.  Spanish language Caribbean and Puerto Rican rap and hip hop.  He listens to almost exclusively rap and hip hop, but the Spanish language he tends to avoid due to issues with his dad, so i was a touch confused.  Until i figured out it was his stress over impressing his mom's relatives manifesting* at which point i had a good, solid internal laugh ;)

*I could be wrong.  I'm willing to admit i'm wrong.  It was just a funny thought i had ;)

friends, science!, home ownership, work

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