boring dull uninteresting update

Jun 17, 2008 21:40

Well, not totally boring.  Powers whiskey is good stuff!

This is going to be the quick version, but perhaps essays will percolate out from my observations.  In fact, i can think of one offhand, but i need to be in the right mood to giggle about it again ;)

Thursday: rush around work like a headless chicken, do not finish what i'd hoped to finish due to chemistry being the fickle beast that it is, but i did get on the road by 3 as planned.  Rolled into the wedding rehearsal about 5 minutes before it started, so i at least got to smooch scholar first, who'd been away since Tuesday for bachelor party stuff.  Also saw photos of the bachelor party ;)  After the rehearsal, went to the dinner, which was a cookout put on by the groom's father, who owns an organic food store.  YUM.  The families were both cool, and i enjoyed a little frisbee madness.  scholar and i were supposed to meet a friend for drinks, but she'd taken an Adderall and was not fit for drinking, so i crashed while scholar helped the groom write his vows.  AWWWWWW.

Friday: up at 7.30, breakfast with groom, run to RiteAid for girly crap for my hair, shower, run errands with groom, lunch with groom and friends, more errands, decorated reception hall, ran back to the house and dressed quickly, attended wedding, attended reception, decorated the getaway vehicle, and had a fabulous time.  Drove the Australian guests back to their hotel, where said bottle of Powers was consumed by 4 people, and didn't get home until 3.30.  w00t!

Saturday: originally up at 7, but still drunk!  Whoops.  Then slept until 11, and had a decent start to the day.  Returned tuxes, drove Australians to scholar's family's house, visited local State Park, had dinner at the Parting Glass, sudden rainstorm had us return to hotel room for one last drink, then back to the house for a quiet evening together.

Sunday:  Awoke to news that guedo79 was in the hospital with a nasty eye infection, so we bagged plans to see a movie and visited him, then just took our time getting out of town, but we were home by 11.One of my best trips to Albany in a long time.  Both bride and groom's families are great, though there are the usual familial issues.  But still; it was great seeing so many different groups of friends, many of whom don't generally intersect.


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