Con meme

Jun 02, 2008 19:29

Stolen from
thespian.  Hope that's cool - see her entry for credit, which goes to her friend stormsdotter.

Be warned, it is long, but it's fun :)


What brought you to your first convention?

All the cool kids were doing it.  Plus i was newly single, newly comfortable having fun being single, and newly comfortable gaming with strangers.

Which conventions do you regularly attend?

I've been  Gencon.  I keep trying to go to Arisia but it's always weekends i'm booked.

How long have you been going to them?

Gencon 2007 was my first.

What panels do you attend/host?


What topics will you stay up all night debating in the Con Suite?

That's basically a VIP room?  Not bloody likely i'd be invited, but that's cool.  All my friends hang out elsewhere :)

Do you know and obey the 3-2-1 rule? (you must get three hours of sleep, eat two meals and have one shower every day of a con)

Hrm.  I got 3 hours of sleep most nights except Saturday.  I ate more than once a day, but i don't normally eat "meals" but i do like to snack.  And i don't normally shower ever day, though i might have there.  I certainly didn't wash my hair every day.

Do you teach the 3-2-1 rule to NeoFans?

We've mentioned the need for naps and regular food.  I don't know anyone who has by hygiene and i'm no one to judge.

How many prints have you bought in the Art Show?


And how many of those have successfully been framed and hung on your walls?

1 is hanging.  i should frame it after i move.


When was the first item you bought at Goodwill thinking, 'Boy, that'll make good garb.'?

I buy too much at Goodwill to remember specifics.

What was your first hall costume?

Haven't done one yet.  Hoping for something steampunk-y at CONvergence.

What was your first cosplay?
Still working on it.

Have you cross-dressed in cosplay, because your favorite character is inconveniently of the other gender?
I totally would, obviously.

Have you participated in a Masquerade?

Have you won Best in Show in a Masquerade?


Have you attended a FILK sing at a convention?

Have you attended a sing at someone’s home?

Have you written your own FILK?

And recorded it?

And had people pay for the recording?

Will you step into a FILK sing because only they’re doing Banned From Argo/Fire in the Sky/The Eagle has Landed?

Authors & Writing

Have you met your three favorite authors?

Specifically that would be at cons?  No.

(Sheri S Tepper, Vernor Vinge, and Peter F Hamilton.)

Have you gotten anything signed by them?

Have you made fan art or fanfic and presented it to your favorite author?

What was the first book you found yourself shouting at despite being alone?
Because it engaged me, not because it sucked?  ;)

I can't remember.  I've been reading for....33 years now?

Have you ever argued a detail with an author?

And won?

TV & Movies
Have you met the actor(s) or writer(s) of your favorite TV show?
I don't have one of those.

Did you show up in a costume to meet them?

Are you a member of one of the costuming groups based around a movie or TV series, such as the 501st or the Browncoats?

Have you attended the midnight opening of a movie in costume?
Not in costume.

Do you have the bloopers reel memorized?

Have you ever played a table top game?
A few ;)

What was your first game system?
It had a THAC0 ;)

What was your longest campaign?
Shackled City.  It's been over a year now.

How many games do you participate in per week?
I used to have 3, but i'm down to a biweekly that i'm taking a break from.  Been a rough couple of months.

How many pictures do you have of your Tabletop characters?
I made sure to find something appropriate and photoshop hair, costume etc for most of them recently, so 5 or so.

Have you ever gone to a con dressed as your PC?

Have you GM’d?

Have you Survived the Tomb of Horrors?

Have you played any rock-paper-scissors LARPs?

Have you played in a boffer LARP?
Once in undergrad.

Have you spent more money on props for a LARP than you paid for the event?
My conclusion:

I'm a poseur, even as a geek :|

Actually my extreme distaste for spending money really fuels a lot of those "no" answers.  I'm cool with that.  Leaves me more money for Gencon :D

gencon, gaming

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