Today's observation

May 08, 2008 20:02

I don't think dreams have "deeeeeeep meeeeeeanings" but i do enjoy looking at dream imagery dictionaries and laughing over the implications.

So last night i know my dreams were convoluted, as usual, but the only thing i remember is someone anonymously leaving me houseplants in my house. Big dracaenas and other large, impressive tropical houseplants.

According to my favourite dream dictionary (, if you care):

Houseplants = "fertility, spiritual development, growth or the potential for growth. Alternatively, the appearance of plants in your dreams reflects your caring and loving nature.

In particular, to see indoor plants in your dream, suggests that your growth is being hindered or slowed in some way. You are experiencing a lack of independence. Alternatively, the dream signify your desire to be closer to nature.

If you are estranged from your children, then the plants can be seen as a representative for your your children. "

Gifts = "being rewarded and recognized for your generosity and giving nature. You are held in high esteem by those around you. "

I bolded the parts i hope are relevant, italicized the parts that are probably applicable whether i want them to be or not, and underlined the parts i hope are not applicable. A side note: i have no children.

dream journal

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