
May 07, 2008 18:02

Second day back on the bike this year (yes, i'm lazy.  You all can yell at me later.  I was fixing up my house for a month and a half.  Between the energy i spent doing that and the requirement of going to Home Despot every 12 minutes driving to work was not particularly negotiable).

First flat.

If this continues, i'll need 2 tubes a week.  That's $8 a week.

I gas up the car, when i drive to work, about once a month, maybe once every 3 weeks.  At $40 a tank right now, that's $13 a week.

Good thing i love the environment ;)

(No i don't honestly think i'll flat every other day.  It's just a humourous observation.  You take your reality based unfunny elsewhere ;) )


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