SGSB Osaka April 2nd Second Show

Apr 07, 2011 00:58

I've been trough a lot of things to be here, for a few weeks I was seriously thinking in cancel everything and lost what i had payed at the moment... but thanks to my friends who support and cheering me, I was able to come, and I'm glad that I did it ^^

i've seen a dozen of times the concert videos, I've read a lot of fan reports... I though that I was READY... silly me lol

Nothing in the world could prepare me to the real thing!!!!  Being there was amazing!!!

My seat... to being honest, i didn't had a seat, we were stand up!!! but the view was great!!! There were thousands of people and I was one of them!!!

When at six o'clock the lights were turned off and the band started playing, my hearth stopped for a second!!!  I lost my voice and then OMG finally i could see him!!!!!!  I couldn't scream at all... I was in shock!!!  OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!

The main stage was AMAZING!!! FIVE is the band and I love how they played ^^ there were also a quartet of strings and three singers!!
I think that ABC Z weren't there but I'm not sure, I though that some Johnny's Jr were his dancers, but i don't think that he needs them so much... but this is maybe because I was really focus on HIM so i didn't pay attention at all to his dancers ^^

He looked tired, but he was smiling all the time, he looked happy!!  Honestly what I've saw on the DVD's is nothing compared with all the love that he show us and all the energy that he gave us!!! He is truly AMAZING!!!!!
I couldn't tell how many times he changed his costumes!! but every one of them looked great!

I was amazed with all the love that he shows... OMG I'm really short with words to describe this to you, I'm sorry!!

During the MC he was super cute teaching some ANJ movements ^^ he is such a silly boy ><
In some moment during the concert he saw a boy in one of the arena seats wearing a t-shirt of the JC ARCS lol also he found a fan with Tegoshi's uchiwa and he was kind of... why did you bring Tegoshi's uchiwa to this concert?!?!?!?!?!  lol well if with an uchiwa of a NEWS member i'll get his attention... I'll do it next time ^___<

The concert had so many wonderful moments!!! I couldn't pick one as my favorite because he was great during the whole show!! The red sparkling light of the penlights were really pretty and from my point of view were super beautiful ^^

At the end on the screans they show us a video of the Marching J event from the day before, after that, we still wanted some more songs and he returned to sing one more song ^^ Gomen Juliete!!  After that, he looked at us with such a happy face ^^ it was also kind of... well girls that's all for today!!  I couldn't help but smile all night long!!!

It was an amazing night and this report doesn't make any justice at all, again I'm sorry for that and for my bad english.

By the way the Johnny's Jr were receiving the donations at the end, they are so cute ^^
I've been saving as much as I can to make my donation here, we must not forget that the people in the affected area still need a lot of help and that their situation is far from good, if you are able to make a donation, no matter how much money it is, please do it!!

I'll always cherish that night as one of the most special moments in my life ;D

report, yamashita tomohisa, concert, sgsb

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