Sep 02, 2007 14:55
After months of inactivity, the journal is reborn, I hope.
My life in a nutshell:
Finished my undergraduate studies at Loyola; took some time off and bummed around Europe. Finished my graduate studies at Illinois Institute of Technology; took some time off and bummed around Europe.
// I am beginning to sense a patter here.
In June, I arrived at the doorstep of Argonne National Laboratory where I perpetuate the open source revolution FOR SCIENCE! In other words, I am LINUX Systems Administrator.
I spent most of the time in-between trying to make sense of all that has happened in the past few years. Mostly, I look back at the last six years of my life and I realize that time passed a lot quicker then I would have liked. I still cannot answer the question of “who am I”, though I am getting closer every day. I lost a few friends, rediscovered others, and I am still searching for those that are M.I.A. I still shred every now and then and I have yet to perfect the perfect cup o’ coffee.
And there you have it. Of course, I could go on, but this should suffice for now.
A più tardi,