Dec 03, 2009 12:48
So I just bought my ticket to see MC Lars Saturday. It'll be so nice to go out to a show since the last one I was at was Flogging Molly back in March. I had sent MC Lars a Google Wave a couple weeks ago letting him know that I was going to be bringing a piece art to give him to his show. He didn't respond. Last night I try putting something together and all my ideas seem way like they were stolen directly from my friend, Thom Foolery either in style or concept, not to mention the whole idea of giving a musical act some of your own art as a business card of sorts is totally a page taken out of his book. So I scrapped even doing the idea cause I felt like I was copying him too much. Moving on to today, I look at my Wave account and he (Lars) responded with "That would be so dope!! Can't wait to see you."
That's what I get for leaving it to the last second and then figuring eh, he's too busy to even know I'd be there with it. But now he knows and is expecting me. And I have nothing done! This wouldn't worry me too badly but I have to work tomorrow night and pretty much all day right up to the show itself on Saturday.
I'm so going home and scribbling something out that's decidedly me and going to be putting pen/ink/paint to paper all night. I've got to come up with something kickass.
I've already fixated on "This Gigantic Robot Kills" being the focus but I have never drawn a robot and the whole idea of doing something that foreign to me artistically is freaking me out. Also, the fact that the song has MC Bat Commander on as vocals makes me think about the whole stealing-idea-from-Thom thing again and I want to avoid even that little bit of mimicry.
No futzing around the rest of the week! Shit to do!
OMG... my mood icon is totally how I feel about this whole thing. Can my eyes get any wider?