Hey guys and dolls!
This is just a quick post to say that,no, I haven't died,I have just been stupendously busy! I've still got to finish off a couple of letters which I have re-written god knows how many times due to the fact that once Ive finally finished the letter,something else has happened to me which renders it out of date! booooo!
I have really been enjoying my summer. I haven't really been treating it like a holiday though. More like a work opportunity,but I'm cool with that because it's making me happy.
I got my A-level results for my Photography. For my A2 I got 100% in both the coursework and the exam,which left me ecstatic! Overall,combined with my AS score, I received an A*!!! wewt! That means I have secured my place at the NUCA. I'm excited!
I will leave it there,as I feel like I could waffle forever and that's just plain annoying if it's about nothing in particular.
I am now going to picspam you with some of my latest photography: