Story ideas

Dec 15, 2017 18:53

While I'm not writing much now (aside from NaNoWriMo), I still get ideas.  I have a couple bouncing around in my head and thought it would be fun to write them down here.

First, a rewrite of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.  I want to make the story more relevent and correct it.  One thing I would change would be the reason for the reindeer and Santa being stand-offish to Rudolph.  It's not that they don't like his nose but they are, correctly, worried about predation.  We already know about the abominiable snow beast.  But I wouldn't be surprised if wolves and bears were also a concern.  No one wants to grow too attached to a fawn that likely won't survive till adulthood.  My idea is that the glowing nose pops up from time to time but the fawn rarely survives due to the aforementioned predation.  I would think that, as a fawn, there is limited control over the glow (Rudolph has shown that) but, as an adult, control is developed.  But living that long is the hardest part.
Another thing, all reindeer have antlers.  In fact, the bucks are the ones that lose their antlers in the winter.  The does keep theirs through spring.  Well, generally, not always.  It's complicated.  I have read that the original depictions of Santa's sleigh show it being pulled by antler-less reindeer but that is not what we see in RtRNR.  So, in the interest of fixing it and playing around with the idea, I have another idea.  The names of the reindeer pulling the sleigh and not names at all!  Rather, they are titles based on the names of the original reindeer that pulled the sleigh.  Earning a spot is a big deal for a reindeer, buck or doe.  I have decided that sleigh is typically pulled by the younger does and bucks.  They have the youthful energy and ignorance that lets them pull the sleigh.  Yes, not knowing the possible danger of flying helps.  Back to the titles, there a typically only eight pulling the sleigh but I like the idea of Santa having alternate options if the weather isn't good.  Most of the time, he adds an extra reindeer or two.  But even that is dangerous.  Like in the movie, there is the risk of getting lost.
There is actually a lot more to the story and background but with the way I'm thinking about it, I may end up writing it.  What low have I dropped to when I'm considering writing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer fanfiction?

Second, I've watched way too many clips of Milo Murphy's Law and something about Diogee hit today.  Is Diogee a member of the Rescue Aid Society (The Rescuers and The Rescuers Down Under) or something like that?  It could be done.  All owned by Disney, so it isn't outside the realm of possibility.  That could be a story idea.

fanfic idea, fan fiction, stories

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