Spook Me: Monk

Oct 25, 2010 22:29

The second of 5 stories for spook_me.  This one has been sitting around mostly complete for a while.  The rest still need more writing.  And once I go at it, I expect one to reach 10,000 words.

Title: Art
Rating: K+
Genre: Horror
Word Count: 644
Fandom: Monk

"Uuuh," Monk said, shying away from the grotesque painting, bumping into Natalie as she entered the door.

She sighed and stepped around him. And made a face when she saw the painting. "That is an ugly picture."
"Ugh, that's not art," Monk whined, trying to look at the picture but found it was like looking at an accident, no matter how bad it was, he just could not look away. "It's disgusting."

Natalie leaned in for a closer look and had to step away. "That smells terrible! It smells like rotten meat!"

A voice from behind them said, "What an astute observation. I make extensive use of all natural ingredients, including, meat, to create my art." Natalie and Monk turned to look at the man. “I am the artist of such enlightened work,” The artist said, gaving them a condescending smile.

“You're sick. Absolutely sick!” Monk said, shying away from the 'artist,' as if he were diseased.|
'Which he might be,' Natalie thought, looking at his his unhealthily colored face. 'He wouldn't look out of place in a horror movie.'

The scene took an amusing turn when the 'artist' realized that Monk wanted to be nowhere close to his personage and would take a step towards the detective, causing Monk to take another step away. They moved in what seemed to be a bizzare dance with the 'artist' taking measured steps around Monk, forcing Monk to move toward specific pieces of 'art' where he would proceed to explain the meaning behind each piece.

'Guess I should save him,' she thought, feeling both amused at what was happening and mad that someone was intentionally picking on her boss.

“Mr Monk, we did come here for a reason,” she said, grabbing his arm and dragging him away.

“Uh, yes, that's right,” he said, rubbing his face. “But I think I've changed my mind,” he stated and turned away and made to head for the exit.

“Ah, you're here about my finest piece of work, yet,” the artist said, a sick smile spread across his face. “I admit that it is quite esoteric but can I be blamed to try to enlighten the masses?”

“Uh, it doesn't have anything to do with art,” Monk said, “But a very nasty disease. People are dying in horrible ways and they all visited your gallery in the last two weeks.”

“So, you have seen my work!” he beamed. But his expression quickly became crestfallen, “I had hoped that a man of your intelligence would be able to appreciate the art but it appears to be at too high a level even for you.”

Natalie and Monk stared at him in horror. “You mean you made those people sick?” Natalie exclaimed. “How? WHY?”

“Because I appreciate art as it happens. Everything is beautiful. Life. Death. Sickness,” he said, not really answering their stunned questions. He continued on with a monologue about destruction, death, disease and all other morbid to most people's minds being beautiful.

Natalie took the opportunity to call Captain Stottlemyer to let him know they had located the person responsible for the epidemic. The police arrived and quickly arrested the artist. As they lead him away he stopped and turned his head back towards Monk and Natalie.

“I hope you'll gain a new appreciation for my art,” he said as the police forced him to continuing walking as they tucked him into the police cruiser, “Because you'll soon know from personal experience how beautiful pain can be!” and he began to do a twisted little chuckle.

“Oh no!” Monk said, understanding what he meant. “We've been exposed, Natalie!”

“What?!” she said. “What do we do?”

“We die,” he said, remembering the other victims. They all died in agony

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