Cop, lettuce, and TV

Jun 28, 2010 22:04

So, there's a cop car parked just off my patio.  But there are not problems.  The guys lives in my complex.  :)  There's something to be said for having a cop live in your apartment complex even if his jurisdiction is another county.

I planted some lettuce seeds after work .  I went out to look at the pot and I could see that some on the top were starting to germinate and sprout.  O.o  I planted some a month ago and was shocked to see them coming up within two days.  The seed pack said a week.  I guess they really like the soil and sun.  The spinach seeds I planted didn't.  Not one of them came up.  That's why I planted the lettuce.

Still trying to get a good signal for my TV.  I purchased a better antenna and actually get channels but nowhere near the number I know I can.  It doesn't help that all the stations are more the 25 miles away somewhere on the south-ish side of Houston and I live ~35 miles north of it.  I moved the antenna up and scanned again getting 3 more channels but I know there are 13 and I'm getting 9.  Not even PBS.  There's something wrong with that picture.  Looks like I might have to cough up the money for an outdoor antenna. 

plants, apartment, tv

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