Jun 24, 2010 21:14
Welcome to the Middle of Nowhere and Everywhere at the same time. This the land where nothing every happens but everyone knows someone who something happened to.
This is Everytown with a little bit of Everyone and Everything.
Stereotypes abound but, sometimes, nothing is as it seems.
In Everytown, people chase Happiness. But Happiness here happens to be some sort of Lab mix that is always escaping her owner's backyard. She constantly leads the residents of Everytown on a merry chase. She just happens to be the only one who really enjoys chase but no one is really mad at her when they finally catch her because she's led them places they wouldn't normally go, to people they haven't seen in ages or to a little corner they forgot about that brings back fond memories and reminds them that they can make more.
The town is both very small yet very large. Most people know their small part very well and are surprised at how big the town it, how things have changed, since they left their small world.
Change happens slowly here but when it does happen, it happens in the blink of an eye. People complain about things never changing but, when they do change, they complain because things changed too much or too fast.
Time moves so slowly but when looked back upon, it seems like it flew by. There always seems to be plenty of time to do things tomorrow but, when they time comes, there is never enough.
This is my town. This is your town. This is Everytown, USA.