Tantei Gakuen Q Drabbles 36-40

Dec 10, 2009 23:10

Title: Murder
Prompt: 77 Paralysis
The middle aged man lay on the bed, his body unresponsive though he wanted to roll around in agony. He could feel every thread on his skin as though they were a hot knife.
His wife stood over him. She had been very unhappy with him of late. But, over the last couple of days, she seemed to have settled down. Now, she stared at him with a look of unmitigated malicious happiness.
She cooed a little at him as she tucked the sheets around him. “I never could’ve gotten rid of you without help,” she said. “Worth the fee.”


Title: Quiet
Prompt: 56 Breakfast
Breakfast was a solemn affair. The night’s horrors rested uneasily on the minds of the people at the table. Kyuu, who normally could muster up a positive attitude and energy from that nearly slept-ate. Ryuu absently shoved food around on his plate. Kazuma never showed, instead, opting to go to bed. Megu stared at the food on her plate and gave a little shudder. Kinta shoveled food into his mouth like it was going to disappear if he did not.
Not one of them exchanged a word nor did they make eye contact. The horror was too fresh to share.


Title: Oops
Prompt: 45 Moon
Megu let out a shriek and slammed the door shut. A more masculine yell echoed her yell from the other side of the door. She was a brilliant shade of red as she stood to the side of the door, looking at the floor.
'I can't deal with him now!' she thought, walking off to the small kitchen at the end of the hallway. 'I'll pass out from embarrassment.'
She was horrified to walk in Kyuu while he was changing. She blushed an even brighter shade as the stray thought crossed her mind, 'At least he has a cute butt.'


Title: Search
Prompt: 53 Earth
The smell of the blood contrasted sharply with the smell of the freshly turned earth. The smells clashed with each other. Unbidden, Kazuma's mind pulled up information on how much blood it would take to make it smell that strongly and how fresh it would be.
He followed behind Kinta as they tried to trace the sound of a scream they had heard a few minutes earlier. Kazuma thought they were in the right area though they had not found the source of the blood yet.
He hoped, but knew it wasn't likely, that they would find the person alive.


Title: Punch
Prompt: 15 Blue
Kyuu gingerly held an ice pack up to his eye which was already beginning to turn a lovely shade of blue. He did not sound bothered in the least when he told Kazuma, “Guess I'll have to duck faster next time! Wow! That was a really good punch.”
Kazuma did not quite smirk. “My parents had me take self defense lessons for a couple of years.”
“I'd say they paid off!” Kyuu said, taking the ice pack off briefly and looking in a mirror. “My mom wouldn't ever let me take any sort of martial arts.”

fanfic challenges, fan fiction, drabbles, tantei gakuen q

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