I recently read this article:
http://men.msn.com/articlees.aspx?cp-documentid=6564498>1=32001. It mentions that a truth is overrated and that self disillusionment is necessary for happiness. I find myself wondering what Conan/Shinichi would think if he read that.
And like I've said, the formulation of the article is not the better. The author is using self-realizing prophecy as an example of lie...which is a bit awkward since those statment could become true if you're believe they are, or false if you're believe they're lies.
I don't know if the word "lie" is the most suited for this kind of statment, belief would be better in my opinion.
But well, stating that truth is better that lie, no matters the circumstances, is a stupid belief, in my opinion, so even if I'm a bit sceptical about the formulation or the arguments used by the guy, I agree with his basic idea that the absolute value of truth should be questioned, instead of beeing taken as a fact.
(or maybe that I'm definitly corrupted by dangerous writer. You couldn't look at the world with the sames eyes, once you've read Nietzsche, Bhudda, Hume, James and co...^^; XD)
"I have lurkers?!"
Will, I dunno if you've several one, but you've, at least, me.XD;
(I was bored, we've several comm and friends in commun in our friendlist, and I respect you as the one bringing some love for Sato, Takagi and the metropolitan police as a whole)
(If I remember correctly, Nietzsche wrote his stuff to kiss up to one of the great families. It didn't work. XD I know some of Hume but forgot it. ^^; It's been a few years since my political philosphy class)
Woo! One lurker is cool. I admit, I too lurk on the friends pages of my f-list on occasion.
(what can I say, they need more love.)
If you're convincing yourself that you could outpass your own flaws, you would outpass them.
If you're convincing yourself that you could transform the world into a better place, then you could bring some change, and in fact, transforming the world into a better place.
If you're chosing to gives your trust to someone which had already betray you, this act could convinvce him to never betray you again.
Even if we're believeing that truth is better that lies, no matter the cicumstances, the kind of example he's using, I dunno if the words trues or lies are suited for them.
Nah, don't worry, I wouldn't talk about performative proposition, and their particular place in the language and our mental world. XD
For Nietzsche, I'm a bit sceptical with this information... Maybe for his first books(when he was still a satellite gravitating around Wagner) but as his whole life? I dunno where someone could get this idea. XD
"(what can I say, they need more love.)"
Maybe that one day, they would get a larger amount of love, we could still hope...or lies to ourself. XD
Truthfully, I wasn't thinking too hard about the article, I just was thinking of how Shinichi would react to it. I also think that he (the author) isn't very happy or content with his life and believing that helps him get through the day.
It would be amusing to write to Aoyama and ask him to write another awesome Metropoliten Police Love Story (I'm thinking of the bomb in Touto Tower where Takagi asks Conan the question, "Who are you?")
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