[Original] Dream-series #1

Apr 08, 2010 00:46

Title: Three Months
Rating: G
Claimer!: All characters belong to me, please.
Notes: My current untitled series of original fanart and fanfics regarding this world with the 'Kadis' and other similar characters derive from a dream that I had. I often write/type my dreams, and I kept thinking about this one. (Probably because it was the one I'd end up writing the most.) I ended up trying to expand the world, or at least explain it in a narrative. My universe will be explained and expanded upon the more I write.

He didn’t know whether it was his strange way of thinking or the fates playing with him, but he couldn’t help but stare.

He saw her on a daily basis, almost too daily to think it was mere coincidence. When he was walking towards the university, he saw her. When he walked back, she’d be there. If he went out that night, he’d find her, haunting the streets like a ghost. Only, well, she was real. And much more peculiar than any other girl he’s encountered.

For one, she was a Kadis, the feline-humanoid species that society considers sub-human. As far as he was concerned, the only differences were their triangular ears on the top on their heads, the tails on their backs, and the lack of acceptance and education--the last would have prevented any kind of prejudice if they were on equal grounds.

Of course, that’s considered liberal thinking, and there aren’t as many liberal thinkers out there as he would have liked.

Two, she was always concentrating on a sign. From the butcher’s sign to a written menu outside of a restaurant, she’d stand diligently, seemingly staring, with her tail swaying side to side. Most of the Kadis he saw were pawing at the garbage cans or staying in the shadows, but this one was so lost in her own world that all stares and glances thrown at her were ignored.

Third, it was hard to ignore her when he noticed the constant state of her presence in his life.

He’d look away for five minutes, only to look back and stare more because she was rooted at the same spot. From the tip of her messy hair to the soiled button-up shirt that covered the bare essentials down to her naked feet, she was always a sight to see. And as each day passed, his curiosity grew. As each day passed, he found himself trying to stand a closer, lean towards her an inch more.

It was kind of ridiculous, he thought. He was better than this. He could pick up plenty of other women if he wanted to, and making contact with a Kadis would only add unnecessary troubles in his life.

He glanced at her once more and blinked in surprise. Her tail was actually standing erect, giving the spectators a modest view of her bottom. Like always, she didn’t pay any attention.

He laughed. Maybe it was because of the noticeable male group whose jaws dropped when they noticed or maybe because her derriere was the cleanest looking part of her body.


She whipped around in shock, and he swore he saw his life flash before his eyes when her tail almost hit his face. And here he was, standing closer than he ever imagined, finally seeing her large green eyes, her pointed nose, her frowning lips, and the hardship etched on her face. It took him three months to go up to her.

And he did it because of her ass. Curse the male sex.

“It says, ‘salmon’,” he repeated.

But she just stared, her tail staying still.

“Look.” He pointed with one hand, the other casually in his pocket. “S for the sss sound, A like aah, M like mm, O like oh, and N like nn. Sss-aah-mm-oo-nn.”

Her eyes weren’t on him anymore and were back on the board. He tried to step a little bit behind her, just to block the view, but she walked forward to point at the letter ‘L’. She looked at him inquisitively.

She understood him perfectly. Sub-human? He was starting to doubt it.

“The L is silent.”


Ah! She spoke. She noticed it too, because her eyes widened and her hands flinched back to her sides, as if she wasn’t supposed to. Her voice wasn’t as high as he imagined it. Perhaps he’d say it was scratchier rather than whiny, earthier rather than angelic.

“There are a lot of rules and exceptions to our language.”

She seemed to digest that information, judging by the way she stared back at the sign with newfound determination.

“You’ve been trying to learn how to read, haven’t you?”

She turned to him again. Slower this time. He didn’t have to duck to avoid her tail.

“Always standing in front of a sign. Concentrated. I don’t see many Kadis like you standing and staring at street signs.”

Her frown became deeper.

“I didn’t mean to insult you or anythi-”

“Then what did you come to do?”

Sharp like razors, her voice. He’s never heard a Kadis speak, only hiss and groan and roar. It was civilized and unfamiliar.

It made him even more curious.

He relaxed and let out a small smile, promptly shocking her into a frozen state.

“I’m Kalvin Saffron, and I’d like to teach you how to read.”

writing, original

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