Hello person(s) there!
One night at around 3am, I think,
scaryrobot and I had a moment of utter stupidity brilliance and brain stormed this fabulous idea.
Well honestly, I think she brain stormed more than I. I was busy laughing my ass off and prattling on about Dr. Laura or something like that. Hey,
there's a time difference. I was clearly exhausted but WHATEVS guys, NOT IMPORTANT.
This is how 'Dear Person There' goes down:
It's like 'Getting To Know You' without the bad ass dance number, sort of. Whatever you do in the privacy of your home is ur bsns.
So you ask me a question, ANY question, and I am obligated by my coolness to answer it.
*Note: I am also obligated by my naturally sarcastic self to be, well, sarcastic. So expect shit loads of that, ok?
There is no limit to what you can ask me. Don't be PC cause srsly, BORING guyz.
The ONLY rule is this: If you are brave enough to open your mouth and ask me a question, you then AUTOMATICALLY nominate yourself to be in this position next week.
If you chicken out then we will mock you and harass your lame ass until we get bored of it.
Each week I will choose someone at random to take part in DEAR PERSON THERE.
Without further adieu, I will stfu. ASK AWAY GUYZ K?