results of challenge 3

Jun 03, 2010 13:43

I seriously can't believe I'm about to report these results. At first the results were a bit different, but after adjusting for some people in the gang who've never turned in a single score (if you're one of those, hop to it, otherwise you're out after the next challenge) - it all ended in a four-way tie. Let me just say: what the hell.

Tied for first: Black Dragon Fighting Society, Demolition Lovers, True Believers, AND Waves of Wooden Legs
Second: Car Crash Hearts
Third: Church of Hot Addiction

Keep in mind that even if your gang isn't doing well, you may still be kicking ass individually! This challenge was a little iffy (sorry, my fault - even though we did end up having 79% participation) so the next one will be more straight-forward. It probably will be posted either Saturday or Sunday, early afternoon this time.

PS: I did end up getting two fantastic essays and even if they didn't guess the meaning of the clue (not related to the source material!), I gave them 15 extra points for the effort.

In the meantime, watch for a Page One News update tomorrow, ask the tumblr questions, and keep an eye out for crazy random happenstances!

challenge results

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