We got to the hospital on time, and checked in. There were some of the same staff from my last MRI, and they recognized me, and were friendly. That was nice. Paperwork (which Paul did for me, cuz I still can't write), then IV in, then off to the MRI room. As the anesthesiologist pointed out, it's perfectly reasonable to be upset when you're fastened down inside a teeny machine. Being upset ahead of time is just you doing it to yourself. I tried very hard to take his advice, but by the time I was sitting on the MRI table, the tears were starting to trickle. They immobilized my head and neck, then started giving me the drugs. It took a long time to get the dose of the meds high enough for me to feel calm in the MRI machine, but we got there. I warned the nurse in advance that I apparently have a high tolerance for some of these drugs, and she said afterwards that I really, really do. She was pretty boggled by how much it took to calm me down. The nurse made notes for the next time, to give the first dose or two before I'm in the machine.
I was in the machine for about 2 hours. Once they unlocked me from the table, they took me to a recovery area for about a half hour, then we went home. They said I ought to expect to be very sleepy, and should probably just go to bed and sleep the rest of the day away. I got home, ate some toast, read for a while, closed my eyes for a half hour but didn't sleep. Read some more, rested a bit more, played computer games... Now I'm in bed, hoping to go to sleep soon.
This was SO MUCH easier than doing it without sedation. I never want to have to go though an MRI without it again. Now, I wait for my neurologist to call me with the results... and stare balefully at the pile of hand sewing I need to get done.
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