Aug 03, 2006 21:34
I havent writen in ages.
Intead of backtracking, I'll just start today.
I took one of two final exams for the two classes that I am taking this summer. Tonight was Psych 101 (at CCC). The second easiest class I have EVER taken. Didnt study or read the book. Just listened in class. Got a B for the course. For just reviewing the material for 10 min the night before, I cant complain.
Tomorrow is the second and last exam. Should get an A in that class.
Jess and I took walks this summer around Grandview. Tonight I was done early, came home, but no walk. Jess is in Toledo.
She is awesome. I knew she'd get into Med School =) She never lost hope even though she complained and worried a lot. Kuddos to her.
Have a great night