Bat Ally is Back! No, don't respond to that. She's just batty...If you ignore her, we'll all be safe

Jun 19, 2007 03:33

I am such a night owl... XD So sad...

I have work in the morning, yet I'm STILL up... ~_~!

Well, I get to work on a new project for a grad student. Crunching numbers into Excel isn't too bad. Boring--but at least I get paid... When he first talked to me on how he wanted the chart/table to look, I was ready to scream because the rough sketch of his layout looked a lot like the Pivot Table I learned in AMR 21--which was CONFUSING @_@!!!! (And if I DID have to do a Pivot Table, it might ruin my "reputation" of being the "best". XD The "best" in what? Good question. I have no idea. I have just been told that "I hear you're the best". Which of course, earned the speaker my confused and bewildered expression XD)

When his project's advisor came to talk to me, I was relieved because his chart was less complicated compared to the grad student's--just entering data and NO PIVOT TABLES! *does a dance* SWEET!

Random thought at the moment: I need to learn to make animated images so  that I could do funny things with them XD

2nd random thought: I need to make my posts funnier...they seem so...bland...

IsayShigeandKoyamabettergimmesomecandybeforeIsmackthemintothenextcenturybutIcan'tdothatbecausetheyaremybishiesandIwuvthemtodeathXD*is smackedintheface*WOOOOOO

Yes, it is a VERY bad idea to have strange ideas going through your mind just before you want to hit the sack... -_-;;

domestik's posts are amusing... Roommie, YOU are an inspiration *bricks you* ^_^

moo, lol, ally needs to be smacked, the usual weird stuff xd

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