šitas klausimas man neduoda ramybės

Oct 18, 2009 17:06

ir niekuo kitu negaliu užsiimt, tad:

Po šiuo lj-cut'u didesnė versija ir įtariamųjų sąrašas, bet :

Iš kairės žiūrint:

Boonas (rip)
Kas čia toks?
WAAAALTTT!!! - :D Michael
Ana Liusija!!! (rip)
Ta ryža mokslininkė, kuri numyrojo (plius bijojo pedobear Faradėjaus)
Shanon (rip)
Brothar - Desmondas :D
Mr Eko (rip)
Holly 3some - Kate, Jack & Sawyer (kur nugrūdot Juliette???)
Lockas - nusisukęs, nes amž.atilsį?
Benas!!! <3<3<3
Kas čia tokia?
Hurley (kuriam nereikėjo kūdintis šitiek metų :'D)
Juliette (ji pribers liuosuojančių į Sawyerio vakarienę, čia garantuotai)
Čarlis (rip)
Nežinomas tipas
Bernardas ir Rose

Apie plakatą:

Do New Hieroglyphics Hint at Secrets in Lost's Final Season?

A new poster promoting Lost's sixth and final season recently surfaced on the Internet-and in addition to a line up of the cast, both past and present, it contains some hieroglyphics to consider.
PM sent the poster to Dr. James Allen, Wilbour Professor of Egyptology and Chair of Egyptology and Ancient Western Asian Studies at Brown University-the man who gave the first indication that the mysterious four-toed statue was not Anubis, as many had assumed, but Taweret, the half-hippo, half-croc Egyptian goddess who protected mothers and infants. Allen had this to say about the poster: "The hieroglyphs spell out two Egyptian words, meaning 'Who is the guide?' or 'Who is the leader?'" We'll leave the interpretation of that up to you. -Erin McCarthy

Kiek paslapčių, kiek nežinomybių. Who is the fuckin guide? Kada, kada tas sezonas pagaliau prasidėėės ;____;

fannish stuff, pretties, tv, shirtless sawyer, lost

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