I probably shouldn't be posting this as I equally probably will not remember to keep the blogging up... but for my fellow MMO gamers out there, I've decided to dip a toe into the game blogging water again. Until someone tells me I'm fucking boring (as has been done before) and I'll creep away to weep under my rock, or something.
stupid LJ stupid html/rich text editing is eating or not creating my stupid links. Grrrrr
well, copy and paste if you can be bothered.
http://stylishcorpse.wordpress.com/ I'd write more about WAR and the beta but the NDA is still going. Bastards! Hopefully it won't last much longer.
Edit - those of you without guild plans might want to check out Casualties of War (CoW). You don't have to be a blogger. Mentioning my name may or may not help.
Edit - god help me, and now it's removed the other link too. ARGH! I'm too naffing tired to fix it, even though I know how. All I have to say is that LJ's post creating tools SUCK.