Christmas is coming

Nov 19, 2012 12:49

Show is over, had a really good reaction and good press in the local news. Now have to sort out our flat and start thinking of where to move things to make room for the tree and Christmas visitors. Abigail is rolling, she may even be crawling by Christmas, and we don't want her falling off the stupid plinth. Wonder if anyone has a playpen we could borrow for a week.  We will sleep in the lounge and let Dan, Kate and Abigail have our room while they are here.

Christmas Markets start next week, well actually this week in Heidleberg apparently, so I want to get to as many as possible, even though roobarb can't make it this year with all the work pressures. Mark has just heard his contract is coming to an end at ESOC in July, so, although the contracting firm may get him a place on one of the ESOC space missions, or in Eumetsat, there is still the possibility we may no longer be in Germany next Christmas. It was nice to think that he was set up in work until retirement. He still has ten years to go and has never had a job for much over 5 years, due to relocations, end of contracts, firms closing down etc. etc. etc. Ah well, it was a good 4 years this time. Something will come up we hope.
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