
May 08, 2009 06:17

Dungeonwriter is calling me a bully, presumably because I argued with her affection for the mass murderer Cromwell. It is forbidden, people of the internet, to argue with anything Dungeonwriter says and those of us who do are BEING SO MEAN!

From a twelve year old, it would seem understandable. At her age, it's just ridiculous.

Now, much as it pains me to be thought of as a bully by even the seriously deluded, we are talking about a girl who rejoices in the actions of Israeli soldiers against the civilians of Gaza. We are talking about someone who is in favour of the vile atrocities carried out against innocent people whose only crime is to be Palestinian. And she thinks I'm a bully?

As always, I take her insults as compliments. If I've rattled her, it's because she knows I'm right. Also, she is a complete hypocrite in objecting to me saying things openly in here about the vile things she has said, because some time ago, she posted that she had written an unpleasant article about something I had said which she would not post in her LJ, in case I read it. At least I have the courage and honour to say what I have to say here, where she can see and reply.

Dungeonwriter, as long as you continue to post support for genocide and for murderers, I will argue with you. It is not bullying. Indeed, it would be giving into bullying were I to fall silent just because one self-obsessed bigot got nasty about it. If you want me to stop arguing with you, stop posting bigotry.

One more thing, petal. You know nothing about Christianity, as you've shown on numerous occasions, so lecturing me on how Christians behave is idiotic. One thing Christians do not do is keep their mouths shut when someone supports atrocities. My God doesn't like people being butchered because of their race or religion.
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