Feb 24, 2009 08:56
One advantage of spending most of your life friendless (and believe me, there aren't many) is that you know that you're not the best, cleverest, funniest or most useful person around. You're picked last for every team, consulted for advice only if the village idiot is unavailable and you spend a lot of time confronting the fact that you're actually a waste of oxygen and widely seen as such.
Then people are nice to you and you start to lose sight of who you really are. "I must be nice, because nice people like me." you think, forgetting that liking the unlikeable is one of the things that makes them nice people.
Then they notice that you're really quite worthless and sometimes you don't pick up on the gentle hints like them not telling you things or not including you in their plans. You notice when some discussion comes up and you say, "Well, I think ... " and they reply in some equivalent of "Who cares what you think?" and you realise you've been ditched again, by people who have so far been too nice to tell you.