Jan 27, 2009 05:34
They're talking about Hell again at the Christianity community. All the usual suspects are pontificating about how to react to the "fact" that some people are not as loved by God as they are. Odd how no-one ever says, "Well, of course, I may well be going to Hell."
No, they are all God's special little flowers and will go to Heaven. It's the other people (and especially those who disagree with them, of course) who will be eternally condemned.
There is, of course, no Hell. It's not a Biblical concept and was a pagan idea which has mostly been used to scare children into obedience.
Hell is an insane idea, when you think about it. God is just, so will not punish a finite sin with infinite punishment so anyone who goes to Hell must be infinitely wicked. Their whole being must be consumed with evil from conception to death. Now, if someone is that evil at conception, only the Creator can be held accountable, so if a just God exists and Hell exists, the only one who could ever go to Hell would be God, which is really going to upset His special friends awaiting Him in Heaven.
Of course, by being happy to go to Heaven, they are proving themselves unworthy to be there. If Hell exists, Christians should flock there. It is not our place to be comfortable when others are in torment. Certainly, if my Pagan and Atheist friends are in Hell, I have no wish to be in Heaven with all those smug people saying, "Well, they just weren't as good as us!"
If Hell exists, Heaven is forever tarnished and those within shamed and God Himself is diminished and disgraced.
If there is no Hell, God is good. It's really not complicated.